I hope so. Uphold can eat a dick with their outrageous fees.

I've read them all but haven't quit but I think Stop Smoking With Allen Carr is the best of all his books. I'm gonna reread it and try soon.

I also want to. For now I sell on mining stocks. Mostly MARA and RIOT. They have about 90% correlation. So close enough.


There's been so many hands you know some poor sap with 1010 chopped this way at some point πŸ˜‚

Ya If I'm wheeling it a lot and my cost basis is lower than the strike still and I wanna unload it for whatever reason. Did this a few times on some low cap crap bio I was in because I obviously didn't want to own it but got tons of premium already and the volume was drying up.

Just selling calls on what I was assigned. Maybe do 1 or 2 puts. I'm trying to get more into cash because I think the whole market is way overheated. I don't wanna sit entirely out but I want to have ample buying power in case I need to average down or sell puts at better levels. I've been aggressive and using like 80% buying power and wanna tone it down to maybe 40%.


When I was drinking I didn't care about anything. I made enough money for the day for vodka and cigarettes. I truly didn't care about learning anything, trying to improve or much of anything really. I had almost no hobbies or drive to do anything.

Now I'm constantly learning new things and doing different projects. It's not even just to keep busy or take my mind off of drinking it's because I truly want to. It's fucking amazing. I've read maybe 5 books in my life before I quit drinking. Now I read a few a month.

Are you able to buy that on mobile? When I try it says no money market available on mobile. I do most of my trading on my phone.

The average person doesn't give two shits about banks, money, etc.. That's why we're in this mess. If they actually cared the fiat money system would have never even started.

Bunch of fucking sheep. They haven't changed. Ford said this like 100 years ago.

"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."

-Henry Ford

You'll get stopped out soooo many times and it will likely move the other way again.

Look into probability of touch(POT) it's roughly 2x the probability of being itm

I wish they cost $1000 here. I would finally quit then.

The whole point of the game makes the game much more likely to lose. If they did something like you get all the squad members that you bust then it would make sense. Or maybe have only like 5 teams or so. The game is definitely fun but to run around and avoid people to win is kinda dumb.

Does it matter if I'm not in squad league? Should I just upgrade as usual?

Just take it very slowly. Just set small goals of 1 day to not drink. Pick a day to start where you want to drink, but don't need to. If that makes any sense.

Even in my 15 year blackout drunk every night bender there were days I didn't even want to drink but I just did because that was what I always did. Pick one of those days and start from there.

I wish I could elaborate more but my words don't always come up right. Just trust me and everyone and know that being sober is SO much better. It truly is.

Maybe try Allen Carr's book if you haven't. I'm reading it now to try to quit smoking and while I haven't yet he has definitely opened my mind. I haven't read the quit drinking one but I hear great things. At the end of the day you have to do it for you though. Nobody can quit for you. If I could to show you it's so much better I would.

Try doing the exact opposite πŸ™„

Maybe make a new post with a screenshot. Idk, maybe they have larger fees for paper accounts 🀷

You have the right til 1 minute before trading stops, then it turns into an obligation.

I don't see what the fuss is about.

I forgot about the texts 😳. Ya that shit is embarrassing as fuck! I don't miss that at all.

Between leverage fees and short term capital gains if you're in the USA the amount you make will be WAY less than you think.

If you do want to trade BTC better off buying and holding at least 1 year.

The consensus here is just DCA. You really can't go wrong. 0 thought. Just buy and that's it.

I don't know what I'm even looking at. πŸ˜‚

I'm still new to selling options and learning slowly. Very small account. No rush.

🟩 :moons: 0 / 11K 🦠

So in a few years we'll have like 200,000 cryptos and 200,000 ETF's? πŸ˜‚