It feels like the US is becoming like Italy, Spain, Greece, with fewer good job openings for younger people. The economic boom of the 1950s -2008 is over. Jobs are offshored. Factories off shored.

Nose - different. Shape of head - different. Ears - different. I donā€™t see a resemblance.


Agreed. My point is itā€™s not just poverty.


If it's so "simple" why is the incarceration rate lower in Mexico and India where the poverty is much greater ?

First off, itā€™s not a ā€œjoke.ā€ Secondly, if a survivor is triggered, they are not drilling down 5 levels in a post on rape.

NIce chart thanks. They are going to need to add another column for Phoenix - this chart ends at 110F.


Your question would take hundreds of pages to answer. People study history, politics, sociology for years and write theses on this topic.

Or, use the device youā€™re typing this on to convert it for you. Siri can do it. Or google. Etc.

The world is on fire and youā€™re worried about health care services when youā€™ll be wearing adult diapers?

I donā€™t think they know their lives will suck. They are oblivious. Sheep. Rabbits.

ā€œGreatest long term impact?ā€ And ā€œā€¦ in the coming centuries?ā€

Ok phew

In the US, many (or most) people have a gas dryer. Electric dryers canā€™t compare.

We lost so much more, even before the internet. Capitalism messed up sports, music, eating, storytelling, community, the environment, childhood, clothing and more. Itā€™s all a big shit show now. (Unless you really focus on quality and are able to tune out the corporate takeover of whatever your passion is. but itā€™s often expensive and time consuming to get corporate-free, commercial-free joy.)

Thatā€™s incorrect. In English, bi-weekly can mean twice a week or once every other week. It can mean either. Itā€™s not clear.

With suicides and fentanyl overdoses removing 100,000-150,000 persons of working age from the equation each year, the unemployment rate stays low.

Niceā€¦. Very niceā€¦ but is the sub going to be soft porn now?

What happens if a politician breaks one of the commandments ? Or are these posted for aspirational purposes only ?

Youā€™d have to take that hypothetical 10,000 dollars and destroy it, not put it in the bank. Banks would multiply that money generating up to 7x the economic activity.