The largest percentage of what you see online is made of content made available to you by a really small number of giant corporations. This includes social media, and this very platform I'm typing on, which serves to generate profit for the Reddit shareholders. And streaming companies like Netflix that have the power to decide what people are going to watch few hours per day.

Not to mention every single search you do through google, the objective is for you to purchase something and for Google to profit from adds. It's really dystopian, sometimes I will search a historical, geographic or scientific term or word, and google will show me top results for a company that called itself that way, and similar companies. Only scrolling way down you may find the actual term you were looking for, and not the company named after it. (e.g. oracle or Amazon). Google will also choose what news you will see in a very significant way, and this is terrifying how powerful it is. It can manipulate people's minds in more ways than one with increasingly more clever algorithms. Truly dystopian. We are waiting for some science fiction scenario where we are just cogs in a machine, but it seems that we already are.

Is the stellar rise of the far right in the Americas and Western Europe and in many other parts of the world and the fact that the richest men in the world that dominate the internet (musk, bezos) hold those far right values just a coincidence?

Also, the physical internet infrastructure is owned by a small number of corporations. I can't even explain how significant this is - an engineer may do it better than I am, but the point is similar - whether or not you get internet or the service is suddenly cut by corporations or government in times of civil unrest, let's say when workers are organising to strike back.

Internet was supposed to free people, increase knowledge and productivity for people to benefit, not for large corporations and the scum billionaires behind it today. Internet was supposed to make us happier because it would make us more open minded, knowledgeable and connected, instead it turned us into slaves consuming online content and subjects to have data harvested from - even meeting someone to date is now done mostly online on apps owned by large companies and their algorithm may decide whether or not you meet someone or stay alone.

I have no words about why more people are not talking about this and organising behind it - we lost a true revolution of knowledge and information that could have happened, but was hijacked.