Ha! I think I saw the same one. I was, too! Lol. The thing is, I DID research, I've seen my own mother pregnant, babysat, was with my pregnant YOUNGER sister, helped her out with her kids. As in this super bitch did it more than once, in fact, a third time. I didn't get pregnant with my son until I was in my VERY late 20's. I STILL wasn't fucking prepared. When I finally got over the shock of how weird it was and got to "Fuck, I guess this is my life, now." He would push his little butt out, so I'd poke him on the butt, and he'd give me a real good one in the bladder. That's when I realized that things may work out. Kid wasn't even out of the womb, and was, already, sick of my shit, lol.

The thing is, unconditional love doesn't exist. There is ALWAYS a line that can't be crossed. As there SHOULD be. It's a nice sentiment, but it's not real. Anyone whose said otherwise has never had their's tested. Love has a limit. Even with family.

Personally, I think that breastfeeding is gross. I didn't even do it for my own kid. No, thank you. Do you know what I do when I see it in public? Avert my fucking eyes and keep my mouth shut. My aversion is MY problem, not theirs.

Mother fuckers never experienced a problem money couldn't solve. In all fairness, what problem can't be solved that way?

8 kids my ass. I was one and done. As a single mom, you know what wealth is? MONEY.

Ok, looking through your post history, it looks like you're really involved with plants, and Reddit. Let's go with that. I assume this hobby takes more than 8 hours a month. And by a LOT. If you were asked to spend less than 8 hours a month on your hobby, your plants would all die. You can't exactly leave a car untouched that long, either. Something about the fluids, I don't know, I'm not a gear head, I just rely on what smarter people tell me. What would be the point in less time that's already almost nonexistent? It's not reasonable at all.

Even if it WAS another false alarm, it WAS going to happen, and VERY fucking soon. What, did he think she was going to stay pregnant forever? This wasn't a boy who cried wolf, this is a woman whose never been pregnant before. Let me tell you the horror I felt when my son first moved. Nope, never again. I don't give a fuck if that shit is considered "normal". That shit isn't normal. That is some "Aliens" shit. 9 months my ass. Sorry for the rant, but Jesus. When your very pregnant wife tells you to come home, you move your ass.

Could be a dog. Lord knows I've said some choice words at various volumes to my cat.

Right? As I see it, they're not adding to the population, they're not subtracting from the population, they're not on drugs, nothing is being vandalized. Just kids doing kid shit. Kids can't just fucking EXIST anymore? Damn.

And they want to give these people fucking guns in the classroom. Can't see THAT backfiring. /s

Reminds me of this cute as fuck emo kid or punk kid I went to high-school with. I don't know. I was into the rap scene. He had spiked hair and always wore this spiked bracelet. He loses it, and I find it. Oh, goody, I think. I have a reason to talk to him! I gave it to him after the weekend, and he just thanks me and goes back to talking to his friends while I stood there for a second feeling absolutely stupid and just walked away. Then, I bump into him at night, and he needs a ride home. Oh, goody! My friend has a car! Beg my friend and get him a ride home, I chat him up. He says thanks and goes home. FOILED AGAIN! He's on the bus, alone! I chat him up and ask if he'd like to come to my house and smoke some weed. My treat. He says yes! FINALLY! Get his cute ass in my bedroom, alone. Afterward, he thanked me and went home. Ok, I get it. He doesn't like me. Years later, he's in my line, and I straight out told him I had a huge crush on him in high school. His face told me he had no idea. I mean, dude. It was so funny. Girls, be direct. The worst they can say is no.

I told my sister she was actually a golden retriever we got from the pound, but she started talking and everyone just went with it.

For asking him to give up his passion for a misunderstanding.