I don‘t doubt you specifically, but your president clearly seems to think otherwise.

Since there were no black, slavic or jewish nazis, your argument definetly makes sense!

Oh wait…

Because it‘s literally associated with a fascist group everywhere in Europe?

Considering the Turks have been literally threatening a NATO ally of theirs (Greece) with war a mere year ago, yea? Probably? Maybe the Turkish president should stop threatening sovereign nations like Israel or Greece for a year or two, and people will start looking at Turkey differently.

Also, how is Russia not the enemy currently… or before?

Would suggest you cross the border to… not-Germany before you practice though!

Rein technisch gesehen - ich sage nicht, dass ich damit einverstanden bin oder dem zustimme - hat der Verfassungsschutz ja auch bis dato "nur" den Höckeflügel innerhalb der AfD als Rechtsextrem eingestuft.

Hah that's why I'm rooting for Switzerland! Would be pretty fun.

Just barely though, and certainly not in any borders suggested by Israel. And I doubt Israel will be willing to give up East Jerusalem any time soon.

There‘s also a difference between hating Israel and hating Jews. I‘m not saying every Palestinian hates jews, but Fatah engages in almost as much anti-Jewish rhetoric as the extremists do. Atleast under Abbas.

Fatah is corrupt, and almost as bad as Hamas when it comes to it‘s hatred of Israel (though atleast they arent a militant terrorist organization, so it‘d still be a step up). They pay the families of suicide bombers and similar terrorists thousands of dollaroos for being martyrs for the Palestinian cause. And their president wrote his doctors thesis on his Holocaust denial.

Die 10‘000€ bei Dänemark sind alleine für ein von Dänischen Fans mitgebrachtes Banner auf dem „Fuck UEFA“ draufstand lmao.

Zum Vergleich: Im gleichen Spiel wurden die Engländer für 2‘500€ abgestraft, weil ihre Fans Dänische Spieler mit Bechern abgeworfen haben.

The magic looked amazing though, and I wouldnt call the costume design cheap.

Weeeell, if we‘re being realistic, both the 7 years war and the Napoleonic war could be counted as world wars as both of them had simultaneous fighting across every continent… so maybe like half a world war that you could technically give us?

Though I suppose that would make England the winner of 4 world wars.

I mean, atleast two decent games - Austria played admirably against France too. It certainly was one of the highlights of the group stage!

Hah fair, maybe he‘ll prove me wrong in my mind :D

Why? My issue is that England is boring to watch right now, and underperforming hard for the quality of players they have. That's how I determine for myself whether *I* think that Southgate deserves to get to another final or not.

They should be crushing everyone, but instead they're just barely hanging on. Do you want to tell me that you are happy with how England plays?

I really like the England team players and wish they would get a trophy in their lifetime, but Southgate definetly doesn‘t deserve to get into another final with the football he lets that class team play…

Because a revolution would have ended even more negatively for Germany than the end of WW1 turned out? I mean, WW1 essentially ended on a democratic revolution in Germany, and it still ended badly. Now imagine a communist revolution a la Soviet Union happening in 1916.

Nah, has to have been the other way around. Badeners know of their inferiority.

Because the SPD believed that civil war could be avoided, while the Spartacists were out for blood.

If USPD and MSPD didnt split off of the SPD just because they chose to support the Kaiser in WW1 pausing the workers fight, nothing of this wouldve ever happened in the first place. And supporting the Kaiser was the right move for Germany at the time.

Well the SPD and the KPD were the same party til 1917 and the very strongly left-leaning parts only split off because the SPD saw a need in supporting the Kaiser during WW1.

In the end, if they never split into like 4 parties, the socialists would have had a strong grip on even a democratic Germany by 1930. Instead, the KPD started shilling for the Stalinists under Thälmann, and lost support because of that.

Doesn't that also make forming Supergermany a lot easier? Haha

There already is a UEFA probe going on for disciplinary action against Demiral!