I enjoy young adult novels even though many of them are very straightforward and follow the same patterns. You don’t always need super in depth symbology and themes, sometimes a good plot line and good characters are good enough.

But the house by the cerulean sea was about as subtle as a hammer. This man is sad. He is shown the beauty in the world by another man. The other man is gay. This man is gay. They’re now in love. It was almost insulting how predictable and plain it was. The reviews on Goodreads must have been all bots it was so bad.

Sorry I don’t mean to shit on something you enjoy but it was a frustrating book and I hadn’t thought about it in a while. I threw the book in the garbage when I finished it, I’ve never done that before.

If you know you’re going to roll it back then it’s super easy to falsify that kind of stuff. Especially if the guy doing the maintenance is the one who rolls it back. I know people who’ve done that.

It started off as amenez votre bouffe but someone misheard and brought a cow so it transformed to amène votre bœuf. Part of the city’s rich history.

I feel like I used to see that all the time but I don’t see it lately . Am I just blind to it or is it maybe less common now?

I meant to write developed, not developing. I’m going to edit it.

Just a slow trickle of democrats letting the rats steer the ship.

She isn’t a politician, she doesn’t have a base.

There’s a reason conservative men have to pretend to be liberal in dating apps. Women are repulsed by the attitude of all those betas acting like alphas.


It hasn’t been tested but economists are quite confident in the numbers.

But I think the main issue it all comes down to is that all policies and taxation rates are based on growing populations. In order to compensate for a decline taxes would need to go up, more would need to be invested in pensions. And show me a voter base who would EVER vote for the party who increases taxes.

There are too many voters who can’t see past their nose so countries who can’t continually increase population are screwed.

It’s why almost every developed nation has such large immigration numbers it’s the only way they can continue growing the economy. Which is funny because the voters who are against long term policies are the same ones who abhor immigration, they’re digging their own graves.

It’s 100% fiction. It’s written exactly like all of the other stories like this. “I’m just a regular dude, she’s a supermodel, my wife uttered under her breath”

Btw being in far right subreddits and spewing misinformation is peak fascism even if you disagree with the term. It’s embarrassing you think it’s different. But I don’t expect intelligence from the 0IQ conservative movement. All you’re interested in is oppression.

You’re a Canadian who frequenrts the far right subs you’re not some introspective observer you’re a supporter of fascism. Your opinion don’t mean shit.

I agree with what he says. And I can guarantee the maple MAGAS will hate it. The only way they can be happy is if other people are unhappy. They derive joy from other people’s sadness.

J’imagine que c’est un move style moneyball, ils doivent penser que si ils l’utilisent comme il faut il sera un bon joueur pour eux.

Mais avec un coach exigeant qui pousse un style de jeu physique, combiné avec le fait que la faiblesse des leafs c’est qu’ils sont faibles mentalement, un gars qui évite le contacte c’est horrible comme combinaison.

On dirait un move NHL24

What I find crazy is Chicago, who was a worse team than us, and is in as much of a rebuild as us, are some of the biggest spenders so far today (along wish NSH)

Does their management think they’re out of rebuild and in compete mode now? Seems premature

Nashville and Chicago are emptying their piggy banks this year.

Especially if we resign Monahan, then it really is the same team

After we traded him he got more than 70 points. He’s been a good producer. He’s a good character guy so even if he slows down he’ll be a great influence on a young team like SJ

But on the other other hand Gio was the only 40 year old in the NHL last season.

This is a clear bad faith contract but whatever he’ll LTIRetire with one or two years left who cares.

The players aren’t living in Medicine Hat Alberta. They’re living in the hubs of Canada.

The cost of living doesn’t affect people who make millions. A loaf of bread doesn’t mean shit.

I’d like it too but Stamkos seems like the guy we’ve always wanted and have been linked to every time he was out of a contract but we’ll never get.

Yes he used Gio as an example because he’s the ONLY 40 year old to play regularly this season. All those contracts signing a player into his 40s are being done in bad faith. His explanation was pretty clear I don’t see how you misinterpreted.


He’s one of those guys who never does anything wrong and blames everyone else. In any scenario where he takes a position, if the roles were reversed he’d take the other position and be 0 self aware of it.

I find it annoying as hell but clearly it works for him. A lot of champions have this mentality.