I mean, Biden should absolutely still be replaced. Surprise surprise, the GOP sucks, of course they don’t want to replace Trump. But the DNC should try to be better than the GOP if they want to win, not go to the same lows

United States

Shame on One for booking this bullshit

United States

Cards gonna be trash

Do you guys just expect him to stay in the same shape as when he was in his late 20’s in the UFC?

Looking so mediocre against a guy who has looked so horrible is honestly impressive

Ok I get what you’re attempting to say but gtfoh. Biden is a terrible choice if you really want to beat Trump in November. He wasn’t anybody’s first choice in the last election, but the DNC forced everyone else out in order to push Biden and end Bernie’s campaign. This year there weren’t even primaries really.

Just closed eyes while punching his way to the HOF

Merab being the goofier, and more entertaining on social media is not what you would expect just looking at their UFC headshots

Conor would not let the game have him die by neck crank.

He’s shown a more diverse skill set than Sean, and at more than 1 weight class. That’s what P4P should be paying attention to

I mentioned Herbert because Ilia did that above his natural weight class, which again, P4P context matters. And I said Chito throws 14 because you can watch all his fights. Against Cruz he wasn’t throwing much. Same with Cory, Aldo, and more. It’s not that Sean froze him. Chito is notorious for that. Do you watch fights or just catch highlights

Which 3 were no names? The only one that’s a “no name” is Herbert who is a massive 155’er and Topuria still flattened him. You can’t stand here and act like Chito, who throws 14 punches a fight, and the whole “I won’t say Volk shouldn’t have been in there”… you said it. I agree he shouldn’t have been in there, but he was and Topuria did what he was supposed to. Aljo was forced by the UFC to turn around short notice regardless of his injuries, and Sean didn’t do what Ilia did. Again, Sean barely skated by Yan and then was put on ice for a title shot instead of having to fight Merab or someone else before a title shot. At the end of the day, Topuria has shown a much more well rounded game against tough opponents. Sean was given the Yan fight for no reason, and got a lucky split decision. Then he got Aljo on short notice, then Chito who should have been nowhere near the title fight. We can’t ignore that context if you want to discuss P4P

What has he done? Besides go undefeated while subbing or knocking out most of his opponents? Putting on a masterclass against Emmett and Mitchell? Besides having an incredible KO at 155 over Herbert? Besides making Volk take a nap??? You said a whole lot of nothing lol the P4P means nothing and we all know it, but in comparison what has Sean done? Jumped past the entire rankings to be gifted a bad decision against Yan, stoppage against Aljo was too early, and Chito didn’t deserve a title shot. He’s shown his striking, but it’s not like he was out grappling these guys easily, or putting anybody unconscious since old ass Wineland

Topuria has shown his wrestling and grappling and obviously his striking. He’s shown he’s extremely well rounded. I would put him above Sean

Unironically he made boxing more exciting because they had to start actually matchmaking to get people to watch “real” boxing

Flew to Colorado for a week of hikes, a concert at red rocks, and eloping with my wife on a trail. Every day was special and we somehow got incredible weather the entire time. No trip has come close

United States

Stipe has no fights, against anybody who is in the ufc. He’s getting a title shot.

But when we vote for third parties it’s “throwing away votes”

Sean saying stupid shit while not knowing what he really wants? Nooo

United States

Bellator knew Borg missed weight multiple times in the past. They should never have banked on him making that weight

This is literally because of how the whole system is built. This is what I’ve been saying to conservatives but they don’t listen, we have shitbags everyone hates because of the lobbying, the bribery, super pacs, and everything else conservatives fight to defend

Nobody likes how beer tastes and I don’t believe people who claim they do.