That’s really mean of her to say all those things. I wish some people would realize that words are powerful and just walking things like that back is not fair.

Nah man that is HUGE! I can finally swim 100m without feeling like I’m dying so to me 200m and then 500m is my ultimate goal!

I’m not even ripped but am tall and have a butt that people have grabbed and groped for years. Shit gets old.

I have to ask… why is she always so squinty eyed?

He over nighted parts from… Japan


I’m fast af boi even in my sleep!!

The Equinox makes me feel like I failed in every way in life. Everything about is sad to me.

You took the words right out of my mouth. All of those artists you mentioned I can completely see the star power vibe from them.

Taylor is the most basic and simpleton like artist I’ve ever seen. And I think that’s what her cult loves… they see themselves in her and believe she’s them and vice versa.

You have no clue what you’re even talking about bozo. Plaids can pull and pull and pull. I did nonstop launches for 3 hours straight and then went to supercharge without zero issues. Can’t stand you egotistical know it alls.

Not much better here in Reno with all of the big lifted trucks and dust storms

Not in the summer, LA is brutal

Honestly dude… it might be. I lived in a janky 2 BR 1 BA apartment for years. It was fortunately rent controlled but I yearned for a house and lower density but honestly… I don’t give a shit about anything other than mild climates and the ocean.

Let me tell all of you this:

Never move from the Bay Area. It’s weather is literally flawless. I moved to the Reno area and I fucking hate summers and winters now. Even Spring sucks because of all of the damn bugs that come out.

I can’t wait to move back.

Thanks, I love when people throw insults at me like that somehow negates everything I said.

You’re projecting. We lived in peace for about 3.5 years with no wars and a booming economy. If you can’t understand why people dislike Biden you are not informed enough and you should start reading more about how unchecked government spending and multiple proxy wars can affect a nation. Also to add on top of that a border that is essentially open and you get what we have now. Are you seriously happy with how Biden is running this country? Can you honestly call what Biden says and does as progressive?

Lol you survived the first 4 and you’ll survive the next 4.

Dude, the lack of on center feel has been driving me absolutely CRAZY. Almost every car I’ve test driven has a crooked steering wheel, a slight pull to one side, road vibrations through the steering wheel… Just feels cheap.

Man… this hurts for many reasons but for me it’s the reminder that father time marches on and being as present in the moment as you can is incredibly important. I remember all the amazing nights and days and parades in Oakland watching one of my, if not the, all time favorite teams absolutely dominate the league. And now the time has come for the dynasty to end. Just wild how fast time moves.

Great contract for Klay to be real, especially after all the injuries. Will miss him sorely!

All you guys moaning about this crack me up. What I’m going to serve up some fucking meatball to you just because? Lol

I said forget about it cuh

I absolutely despise when companies do this. To me it’s a slap in the face and makes me feel devalued. Oh because I was willing to live in X location I was worth more and accomplish the same work productivity but as soon as I want to live in Y location I’m worth less? Go fuck yourself.