OMG I FORGOT ABOUT HER šŸƒšŸ½ā€ā™€ļø

Loved Gunamuna sleep sacks and buying more for baby #2! I didnā€™t discover them til my daughter was 18 months and theyā€™re so much nicer than Kyte.

Check out Bea Colette on Instagram. Itā€™s a shop started by an influencer named Meghan Guffey (not sure if Iā€™m spelling that correctly but itā€™s close). European brands and similar to the ones you listed above. Iā€™m 100% not affiliated lol I just love those same brands as you and love to see similar options šŸ™‚

Stop! I totally missed this, wow.

Loxley Hart, the Jewish heroine of Chicago, the musical.

Omg those bandana sacks are awful, I couldnā€™t believe it

So just because you arenā€™t able to someone else canā€™t? People live all sorts of lives. This isnā€™t just a relative, itā€™s his wife.

Danna Omari/noyskincare comes to mind but I donā€™t know the account from the post so donā€™t know if they would have interacted.

Itā€™s lit and heavily filtered to probably help disguise some of her exhaustion. No one in her position and undergoing chemo wants to be shown close up in HD. I donā€™t blame her one bit for the soft lighting and filter.

My favorite part of the whole thing was her posting of the old DM from someone calling her an ā€œugly queefā€. New fave insult unlocked šŸ˜‚

My dad grew up eating the same and swears thereā€™s no good Cajun here. Nolia is closest thing.

Koshaspa (another facialist I follow) posted about it earlier today. So so so sad.

Galia Collective is wonderful - its an all female group of providers. Wishing you luck!

This may be too niche but Danna of noyskincare on Insta passed away. She was diagnosed with bone cancer in 2021 and I thought was in remission. She has three young children and my heart is hurting for them and her husband. Cancer sucks.

ā€œFarting all over itā€ tho šŸ˜‚

Iā€™m going to need to see a picture of Mr Miggins winning the best boy award, AI or not

Same! I love this style of setting, especially for colored stones (emerald/May baby here šŸ™ƒ)

Wondered the same, sheā€™s been vocal about wanting to for some time

For being so hydrated that's some lizard skin on that belly