You don’t have to believe me but I got 4 icons out of 3 packs this evening.

First was a double Ashley Cole and Xabi Then I got Xavi Then I got Sanchez

Turn off celebrations and stop yourself the torment then

How is a griddy not being humble? You do realise you can turn off opponent celebrations right? No one is making you watch.

On the opposite side of you crying over a loss is a kid that’s happy he’s won and hitting a clean griddy to celebrate it. It’s not that deep

:PL:Premier League

In the short term this is probably for the best. It’s unlikely the woman’s team is profitable so it makes sense to do this as it should allow the men’s team to perform better

How are people calling him a piece of shit for this? The boat drivers are clearly in on it and he’s having a bit of fun. Jesus the Reddit stereotypes of virgins that sit indoors all day is strong in this comment section

Reminds me of Grosso 2006 in terms of the strike and timing

You’ve got to be joking. Even though I don’t completely agree with hunters methods and a lot of what they do is for self-validation, ultimately every time they go to a sting they are preventing a child from being assaulted.

These predators know what they’re doing is wrong that’s why they hide messages and keep it secret

You’re literally running over stones what do you think. On another note someone just posted in the Cars subreddit asking if driving over a road made of nails will damage their tyres

Let’s be honest as well here no one that doesn’t have down syndrome is gonna marry someone with Down syndrome. Or even get with them

I actually agree with you on this. I think we both agree that keeper moment requires skill but it shouldn’t be in the game

Can someone explain this to me? Is there any way I can profit from doing the same thing?

How are people doing this? I played a game the other day where every single lobbed pass was inch perfect. Is it L1 Triangle or are they using the cross button?

Who’s the biggest game changer in your team?QUESTION

I have around 1.3M coins and I’m looking to splash on one big player.

Who’s the best buy?

Lovely to see someone else doing the same as I have been 😂

The guy posting old coins on Reddit dislikes football. Well I am stunned

Just so you all know Nasiz is actually a name so maybe don’t jump to conclusions.

I’d hate to vilify someone for their actual name just because they belong to a different culture than you may do.

Also Neo just means new or revived, so applies to the ephemeral nature of Ultimate Team.

Is anyone else suffering from a delay when shooting?PROBLEM

Countless times recently I get my striker into a great position to shoot. I power it up and then… wait, wait, and shoot. Perfectly allowing the defender to come and block.

What on earth is causing this?

It’s actually Big Jon and he’s a fucking legend! BOSHHHHH

I can literally feel the delay through the clip. I know exactly what you are talking about.

Just before I was playing and my players were taking so so long to pass the ball after I’d told them to

Handball in the build up clear as day 😂

I’ve been holding for 3 years and didn’t think about selling at $80 a few days ago. I was tempted however.

How realistic is it actually that the shares go to $300+? That would be life changing money for me if they do, or even higher

I’m not disagreeing he’s a good player but he definitely doesn’t deserve such a card but hey EA get to decide who sells the most packs not me

If 8 assists is the bar for a 96 TOTS card something is wrong 😂