EA Sports FC

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The r/EASportsFC Daily Discussion Thread -- June 02, 2024MEGATHREAD

This thread is the place to go for the posts that crop up in /new that don't necessarily need a full thread for discussion, which include but are not limited to:

  • Subjective questions (such as "Who is better, Player X or Player Y?" or "Which Chemstyle is best on PM R9?")
  • Investment / Trading / Market posts
  • Sharing Squads / Asking for Suggestions
  • Other general gameplay discussion
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Squad Battles Rewards MegathreadMEGATHREAD

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(Remember: SB rewards are always given 5 minutes after)

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Playstyle+ is still broken when both teams have same player.PROBLEM

When both teams have same player (even on bench) and you are playing home team, your player's Playstyle+ won't work.

For example if both players have Joselu in their team, home team's Joselu won't activate First Touch+, Powershot+ or Aerial+. You can test this with powershot+. The animation will be slow like normal powershot.

Some playstyles work partially. for example if both have teams have Zola in their team. home team's zola will have deadball + indicator on corners but wont be able to use outside foot curl during corner.

Relentless+ works partially as well. Your player will gain back stamina after half-time but R1 pressing time is a lot shorter.

Technical+, Finesse+ Rapid+ doesn't work at all when this bug occurs.

Some users made posts about this problem months ago but apperently EA isn't interested in fixing this bug at all.

In my mind there is one single player that is the ultimate indicator of a hard match - DrogbaUT

Whenever I see my opponent using Drogba, I know it's 100% gonna be a hard match. Very likely, I'm gonna lose it.

It's because Drogba is a very specific player, and if controlled with a very specific skill set, he is the best player in the game. Unstoppable.

However, outside of that, he is not that impressive, and he feels terrible on the ball. BUT this is exactly why he is an indicator. If your opponent is using him, 99% of the time it means he is a very very skillful player who knows exactly how to maximally exploit the characteristics of Drogba.

He singlehandedly brings the largest fear factor for me. In the hands of a good player, he is unstoppable. Only good players use him. So, seeing a Drogba is an auto loss to me.

82+ Player picksUT

Might as well call them dupe 82-84 player picks. Ffs every pick all 3 dupes and never anything above 84, what the hell is going on.

Why are there no TOTS Moments in packs?UT

I don't understand why EA didn't put them in packs; some moments cards are absolutely broken, like KDB or Felix. I had the slim hope of them having a mini-release this Sunday, and nothing....

Who did you choose for the incisive pass master Evo? QUESTION

I still don’t know if I should go with Essien, Florenzi or my 90 Fut BD Varane.

Which one is by far the best in your opinion?

You should be able to wipe a player's evosUT

Possibly for a 50k fee. Yes this is because I'm gutted about missing out on the new Rafa Marquez.

82+ picks times 300 todayPROBLEM

And not one blue,

Hours of just recycling cars with fuck all to show.

Has anyone actually had a good pull today from this bastard ?

What is the worst song have you hear on FIFA or FC. MEDIA

In my opinon is The Hill by Hendrix Harris in FIFA 22.

I like FIFA 22 soundtrack but what they picked a Tik tok song in FIFA

Players leaving at tied scorelines in Elite DivisionQUESTION

This is weirdly common, if it's tied and you get through on goal or look like you're going to score in any way the other player just leaves.

I don't understand it at all, you can still miss the chance or even if you score they can still equalise, so why don't they at least wait to see if it results in a goal if they really want to leave?

Old gen flick up volleysUT

Wow these are so annoying. Much prefer playing on old gen as it’s much quicker than new gen, but this weekend was terrible for flick up volley goals.
There is literally nothing you can do. I used to move the keeper which doesn’t seem to work now (maybe they reduced keeper movement speed, which isn’t the worst thing), so I don’t know what to do. It’s so annoying that you don’t feel you are getting outplayed this year, through these volleys and corners playing well doesn’t seem to matter. I wonder if the people that do use these mechanics even enjoy playing the game.

First attempt at Champions FinalsUT

So I've been playing fifa for over a decade but never religiously, just played with friends or career mode. Never attempted Ultimate Team cause I didn't think myself to be great at the game, was just good fun.

Few months ago, I took the game a bit seriously and started playing UT for the first time just to see where I stand, and I've made it through Div 3. This week I'll be attempting the weekend league for the first time and I just wanted to ask what to expect? I understand that's the toughest mode of the game and I just wanted to know if it's even worth attempting