Gj putting your most stable player on Senna. LCK teams have such a hard-on for it even though it’s always looked like shit. 32 souls at 15 mins. Jesus

Not just that, but their GM, Cho, and their parent company, Still8, treated anyone that wasn’t on the main roster like subhumans.

Iirc, the main roster got to eat amazing food and had great gaming set-ups. If you weren’t on the main roster, you literally got fed scraps/leftovers and got paid a slave wage. They also forbid subs from ordering takeout at night, so many of them were starving. Subs also weren’t given chairs so they often sat on the ground to play league.

I heard Chovy would tell the main roster to eat less so that the others had enough to eat. It was that bad.

Cho also threatened Kanavi by telling him he would never play league again unless he accepted JDG’s deal which even they were skeptical about. Cho made Kanavi sign with the lowest possible salary but highest transfer fee for 5 years completely fucking him over. When JDG found out that Kanavi was being abused, they gave him the option to stay with a new contract which made me respect the org a lot.

Fuck Cho and Still8. Crazy how they had so much talent and their greed fucked it all up.

Yeah, they’re going to need a big reason as to why they need around $5 billion other than letting it sit in the vault.

I think a lot of it is going to depend on the Shareholder meeting.

If they announce that they raised a bunch of capital but don’t have any big plans like last time, then that would be a bad sign.

This is the third time they’ve done it though. At this point, and they still have plenty of shares to dump into the market in the future.

They can and will most certainly do it again.

I think the issue is by offering 75 million shares that weren’t there before, that takes the power out of our and DFV’s hands while killing hype and FOMO that could have led to a big ramp.

It also gives hedges a chance to buy at a much cheaper price directly from GME rather than from us when it moons. I’m not happy at all but I guess we will see what DFV has to say

Dumb ape here. Can you explain how we’re supposed to hit MOASS when every time there’s a ramp going, they sell a bunch of shares?

The paper said that they’re going to not only sell 75 million shares, but also more moving forward. How does that help us reach MOASS?

What do you mean by wait 24 hours? Can’t you just move the day forward?

Haven’t gotten there btw. Just curious

There should also be a rule preventing parents from making unreasonable demands because their kids are underperforming due to their own neglect. More often than not, admin will bend over by giving the parents what they want to avoid confrontation which puts more stress/pressure on teachers while also setting up their kids for failure.

A lot of people shit on ToF, but that game was legit pretty fun for the first couple of days before all the bugs, disregarded story, and power creep. I played it for a month before I dropped it.

On the other hand, I couldn’t play WuWa for more than 3 hours. The story is confusing, game is laggy, and I’m tired of seeing MC walk towards a cliff which then shows a panoramic view of a nearby city for the 1000th time. They literally copied everything about Genshin minus the combat. Ugh

I don’t get it. From what I’ve heard, the CN player base hated CBT1 with how dark the story was and that no one treated the MC like a hero as everyone distrusted her. This made the devs not only completely recolor the game to be brighter like Genshin, but they also changed the story so that everyone already loves and believes in the MC like some crappy Isekai fantasy.

Maybe I’m wrong, but if not, then the CN player base is also somewhat at fault for what the game is now.

I had more fun playing tower of fantasy than this game. Everything felt so dull, confusing, and lifeless.

I think one a year is perfectly fine. The last thing we need is for the “Hall of Legends” to become like prestige skins where they become rushed and the quality drops.

If you start adding a bunch of people with lackluster careers next Faker’s name to fill a quota, the whole thing loses its purpose.

It’s a bug. Happened to me when I was down 200. If you claim all rewards at once, the system can sometimes get glitched is what Riot Support told me.

Anyways, just send in a ticket. They resolved my issue in a day and credited my account.

Poppy would have been so good against BLGs team. Looks like they just got cocky

Lot of respect to all players who do loser interviews especially after such a close series.

Throughout the whole tournament, T1 just seemed off as a whole. Keria, Oner, and especially Faker kept making uncharacteristic mistakes that lost them a lot of games. Them making top 3 is disappointing but not unexpected.

I just wish T1 seriously focuses on their draft more. It seems like after every disappointing game or tournament, they blame their inability to adapt fast enough to draft.

I’m an LCK fan but I’m glad T1 didn’t make it through. Other than Zeus and Guma, everyone else has looked like ass. GenG would have 3-0d this team easily.

LPL vs LCK so so much more hype. BLG vs GenG rematch let’s goooo

Gigabin. Also ON’s cancel on Zeus’s TP during herald fight was huge. T1 could have easily won that 5v4 if not for that.

Don’t ever want to hear people call Keria “the greatest player in the world” ever again. Looks bad everytime he isn’t playing a ranged support.

Not only Senna but TF and Vayne. Literally 0 pressure early game and they just get run over

Santa ornn. Q is a Christmas tree. W is frost breath. Ult is a sleigh. Passive is him wrapping up a Christmas gift when he upgrades an item for an ally. Or he opens a gift for himself when buying from lane.

It’s all there. Please Rito