
There are no cats in America! And the streets are paved with cheese!

Edit: wrong species. I got excited and didn't check my work.

I'll put you through that fucking wall!

I'm in my 30s and I'm poor and I love the Doobie Brothers. Saw them in Madison, WI and the audience was exactly what you wanted. Saw them in Milwaukee, different crowd. Not as fun.

My favorite January quote is: "Thank you everyone for working so hard over the holidays. You made our sales happen. Thank you. Unfortunately, we don't have the payroll to give everyone the hours they want moving forward. We're working to give everyone their share. Thank you for understanding." I've heard this line of bs for the 10 plus years I've been in multiple different retail spaces. GFY

The rest of the working class populations needs the store open on weekends. That's when they get their shit done. I understand the sentiment, but it's not logical. Instead, retail needs to restructure. These companies can afford a complete full time staff plus a part time staff to allow all employees consecutive days off while increasing coverage and bodies on the sales floor. But, that won't happen. Right now these companies are pocketing "extra payroll" due to staffing shortages. A skeleton crew keeps the doors open plus the 2 or 3 workers being exploited who work harder to keep everything running. It's a win for these rich fucks. Middle management are corporate stooges, so all your grievances get thrown in the trash before anyone with a brain hears them. They have no desire to fix any issues be it internet, phones, equipment, merchandise or staff pay.

I know right? Sorry for your loss, friend. A colleague told me it takes about a year for the reality to sink in. How are you holding up after 3 years?

There's an HBO series called Sonic Highways. Watch the Nashville episode. Interviews with Dolly and others. Might be clips on YouTube, too

Into the Wild. The scene after he slips in the river and is journaling "Trapped in the wild. Lonely. Afraid." William Hurt sitting in the middle of the street crying. That whole final act of the movie is heartbreaking.

Custom insoles will be a game changer. Sneakers and shoes and boots are made with barely any support. There are a few online brands you can look into. Pair that with a higher ankle supported footwear. I just bought a pair of Sole brand. There are moldable ones and different thickness

Thanks, bud. I appreciate the kind words. I've been to a lot of funerals in my life. Watched people die. Shit hits different when it's a parent that's been a beacon in your life for so long. I've only recently dove into the dead music stuff the last few years. Beautiful lyrics like poetry and an energy that drives the music. It really can be therapeutic.


Shit, man you're making me cry. A few minutes ago started my birthday. My mom passed from cancer only 6 months ago. She was my biggest advocate and the strongest person I've ever known. I know the song, but as I'm reading these lyrics over and over and over... thank you for posting this.

You need to talk to a physician about alternative treatments or being rediagnosed. Clinical depression can be the sole culprit, but it can also be the biggest symptom of something else. I was on various pharmaceuticals for years. Nothing was ever successful long term and the side effects coupled with the dread of taking 6-8 medications every night made it impossible to be hopeful. Psychedelic treatments are becoming more widely available along with structured talk therapy, ECT and TMS. No single treatment is perfect for everyone, but it's worth the try. Do your research, find something that you feel comfortable with and have someone that will advocate for you if you need it. Be it a doctor referral or a family member or friend. Pharmaceutical antidepressants are rough, but there are other options. Good luck. Hope this helps.

My friend handed me the DVD box set, said "here. Watch this. " I said "ok, sweet. Thanks." We said goodbye and I went home. Next night after work, I popped it in the player and proceeded to watch and kept watching long into the evening. Had to work early next morning. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. WORTH IT! Finished the series and returned his DVDs. Now we watch reruns when we hang out together drinking coffee in the morning.

I can't speak to the Virginia specific stuff as I am in Wisconsin, but the hemp flower I buy can get me a fairly decent buzz, but it doesn't last long. The shop that I go to has several varieties varying in thc potency. I always get the highest one. It's got a good flavor imo. My grandpa gets one of the lower potent varieties and he enjoys that.

Has anyone said the term "treatment resistant depression" to you? If more than 3 medications fail, seek alternative treatment and a doctor that supports it. I'm 3 years into IV ketamine therapy and it's been successful. I take zero anti depressants. I take l-methyl folate and magnesium l-threonate to help the treatment. I also smoke a little hemp flower at night to help my adhd symptoms that exacerbate my depression.

I used to think it was my mom. She's been my biggest advocate and support. But, she died from cancer in January and now I'm lost. I sat in the rain for over an hour the other night planning to close my accounts, leave instructions to sell my stuff and tell them not to look for my body. I've lost a massive part of me and there's nothing to hold onto. I'm drowning, I'm heart broken and I've lost hope.

I know I'm not contributing m much here (I'm just a consumer), but I hope this is good news for the industry. I use hemp seed protein powder in my breakfast smoothies, a hemp based bar soap and my favourite flannel shirt is made of a hemp blend. I look forward to seeing more products and uses from the awesome plant

Innerstanding is a decent album. You need to listen to IN//PARALLEL. That record is a masterpiece. I saw him open for ELO and he is a phenomenal musician. As for the releases and archival stuff, I can't speak to. Who knows what sort of catalog is there. With Cornell and Petty, we were told there were dozens of recordings that needed mixing and such. Plus, recordings were already in the lineup to be remastered and released by Petty. I strongly believe Dhani and Jeff Lynne would not simply keep recordings locked away just for the hell of it. They both finished Brainwashed for release and that record is amazing. They just did a huge box of All Things Must Pass recently. This shit takes time, dude. Relax.

Plus the time he looks in the mirror in the bathroom to comb his hair and he does the classic Fonz move. Absolutely brilliant moment.

Black Crowes - 'Lions', 'Three Snakes and One Charm' and 'Before the Frost'. Effin love those albums

Right, but I can still drive forward and reverse in a forklift with more ease than an automobile. Is that simply because the the 4 wheels are closer together?

Motherless Brooklyn is great. He's a private detective that doesn't get taken seriously. Not quite the same as what you've described, but a good story

Fingerless wool gloves. Plus an old trick we used when I worked on cell towers in winter, put a hand warmer inside the glove on top of the hand over your veins and tape it there. Fingers are free and your hands stays warm. Wool keeps percentage of insulating power when wet

I recently found Consumer Lab. They're a third party testing for that stuff. Really changed what I have been taking and purchasing thanks to them. Great resource if you're looking