100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10km run.

Can be a matter of intent. While technically synonyms, do you always have the same picture pop into your head if someone says "warrior" and later someone else says "soldier"? I'm betting not.

Might have something to do with excessive kinks in public, especially around Pride events. Like bondage play on a float. Or a dude getting openly fisted on the sidewalk. In a similar hot-button vein, there was a Christmas drag show tour that had what would be hard R content and people took kids and performers at least on a couple occasions made a point to chat with the kids during the show. Or maybe the San Fran Gay Choir putting out a number where a line says they are coming for your children. Satire or not, it will get negative attention. Or how about a couple of the creepy trans TikTok influencers who spread shitty ideas to kids to distance themselves from parents and pretend their clips are the support the kids need in their life?

It is very irresponsible for people on the political and social right to use such examples to paint all LGBT people as pedos, but when people intentionally expose kids to sexual behavior, it will get people's attention, and some shitty behavior by some LGBT people does this.

Eli gets Brandon and JP to binge watch '97 Berserk and the podcast is a deep dive on the themes of trauma, friendship, and struggling against what everyone around you calls fate.

You are missing the point. Mainstream media needs flushed. I'm not defending it. I'm just calling you batshit crazy and stupid for claiming there is no leftist media.

Or would you prefer I claim you are an outright liar and propagandist wanting more extreme leftist agendas be reported as "news."

The point is you try to pretend leftist media doesn't exist. Which is patently false. You cherrypicking a morning show to throw out their prime time coverage shows how demented of a leftist you are. You want sycophantic pandering to Biden who is old as dirt and clearly not all there? If you want to be mad, be mad Fox and sources on the right are ignoring Trump is 78, same age they were trashing Biden for being 4 years ago.

90% of national media needs flushed because it is hyper partisan, to one side or the other, and you trying to pretend it's all right wing screams about where you are on the political spectrum.

The coverage CNN and WaPo give Democrats vs the coverage they give of Republicans...yes, they are left leaning.

The funny part is you don't deny MSNBC or Jacobin, which tells on you and what you want.

Simple, ask people where the story came from if they see the character as inherently Japanese. That's why people put stock in the Japanese response.

Meanwhile, almost anyone who has read Ghost in the Shell or seen adaptations of it can tell you Kusanagi's race is irrelevant because the story is about what makes you human when everything about you is machine. It is VERY easy to say Kusanagi is racially ambiguous by design because she barely has any biological parts left. Ideal for a covert agent to not be defined by their race.

Yeah, the people who were screaming about "white washing" clearly never read/watched Ghist in the Shell, or completely missed the major theme.

Huh? No left media? From the lunatic fringe like Jacobin, to major print like The Washington Post and 24 hour news stations CNN and MSNBC. If you think there is no leftist media you are not paying attention.

Johansson was a good Kusanagi, even if it was mostly the same act as when she was the lead in Lucy.

When he's talking about communism he goes from Power Ranger to Power Rager

If I had better photo editing skills I'd suggest making him Red White and Blue Ranger.

Bland is an interesting assessment to make.

All respect to Simon and Garfunkel, the lyrics are compelling and their harmonized vocals for an entire number are something not commonly done in most rock, though very appropriate for their folk rock style. The instrumental background isn't great. It is repetitive sound that chugs along steadily. It serves only as a foundation for their vocals. And while their vocals are good, and the harmonized performance is good, it also chugs along so steadily and there is little emotion. Almost like it is from the perspective of the people living in silence rather than the narrator trying to break them out of it.

In Disturbed's version, there is no second vocalist to harmonize with Draiman. He delivers a strong solo vocal performance, but in an age like now where great vocalists are all over the radio, tv shows, social media, etc...it isn't as different as harmonized vocals. Compared to other vocalists some people may consider it "bland." The instrumental change up is fantastic and is less of a background and is instead a part of complimenting the vocals. Thematically, unlike the original, the song starts softly, gaining volume and more instruments as the piece progresses. It lends more emotion and is more dramatic, which imo fits the lyrics much better. The buildup to a crescendo as Draiman uses slight vocal fry fits better as a song trying to break people out of silence.

Overall, I don't understand why you would call the overall Disturbed piece "bland," but not trying to say you are wrong. For me, the original isn't bland, but reminds me of older recordings of "Last Kiss" by the Cavaliers compared to the more somber Pearl Jam version. Like the originals were written with a dramatic tale to tell, but they felt they had to go with conventional sound of the time that doesn't fit with the tone of the lyrics. It seems weird and off, and the covers better convey the story.

As far as a shotgun goes, it is more of a multi-purpose tool than zombie-dedicated weapon. For starters, this thing will help with any hostile humans who aren't better equipped. A very good defense gun. Secondly, if in a hurry throw a pumpkin ball in and you've got a "universal key" to open something up. Third, you touched on it being a hunting option. Absolutely good for getting rabbits or birds, assuming you practice. (Rabbits are mofos to shoot when they take off.) Finally, in a pinch if you run out of other ammo, some massive damage to the legs of a lead zombie should hopefully slow it to a crawl and become a stumbling block for others behind it.

I'd like to chime in to point out the AR15 can have better range. Assuming it's a free-floating barrel and even using 5.56, that round will be faster and more accurate. If chambered in something like 6.5 Creedmoor, no way the M14 matches it for distance.

The Village had a perfect edit for comedy. The bit where the one girl professed her love for Joaquin Pheonix's character so naively and passionately, just for him to stare at her silently, then instant cut to her ugly crying at home. Comedy gold.

Lmao, because everyone on reddit must be liberal or a bot?

I'm not trying to be mean, but the dude is clearly feeble and not functioning well. I had doubts he was making the choices for his administration before, I have zero faith he will be doing the same and calling the shots for 4 years even if he wins. I'm not voting for a figurehead.

And that's not even getting into the weeds of social and political issues.

On the other side, Trump fluffs his ego far too much, and surrounds himself with people who appease that ego. And at 78 I don't have much faith Trump's going to fare any better for four years. He has always been a rambling blowhard, so it's hard to tell if he is hyper-focusing on what he wants to ramble about, or if he is also struggling to keep up with shifting topics.

Days later news outlets write short blurbs about thousands of gay Zach Bryan songs being written in...

Unless people massively mobilize online to write in a better candidate that appeals to people, the next four years are going to be shit.

Someone made the joke earlier today. Brandon is too young.

Eli though...