I went last year and bought a bunch of merch. It was awesome. Got a pint glass there and it’s my favorite pint glass now!

Yea the club level is WAY out of my price range. I'm looking at the $1500/per seat areas. Way more manageable.

Talked with an account executive today and read over the contract and it says as long as you cancel before a certain date in February that you can decide to not continue paying off the PSL and cancel season tickets for next year with no penalty.

The account executive I spoke with today was pretty transparent with me about the 8% interest being added for year two. He said the way to get around this is to just pick different seats in the stadium and you will get the lower PSL payment again.

Thanks for the comment!

In reference to point 2 that’s interesting. I wasn’t aware that was an option so that’s cool. I imagine since this first season would be a test run I wouldn’t partake in the buy back program because I imagine if you cancel you would not get those credits back in a refund.

To point 3, sounds like I should just do partial payment if I’m not going to hold onto them forever.

Anyone have season tix? How is it?

I’m really excited about this season and thinking about getting season tickets. Does anyone have advice on them? Do you enjoy them?

Will I have a hard time trying to recoup some of the money back? Thinking I could sell some of the high profile games like the Steelers, Cowboys, Chiefs.

How does the PSL work?

Honestly looking for any feedback or advice on the matter.

UPDATE: went ahead and got some season tickets which I’m very excited for. Probably not the best financial investment, but I’m at a point in my life where it makes sense to try it out for one year!

Thanks everyone for the help. There are a couple games that I won’t be able to make and would love to get some falcons fans in there so if you would at all be interested in buying some off me, feel free to DM me. I’m in the 200 sections, low rows.

That makes sense, I'm sure the closer to ATL the harder to find availability. Appreciate the input!

Red Top truly does look awesome, especially the cottages!

Thanks a bunch for this info. Made an account and the website is pretty easy to use. Super helpful! Any major differences between the state parks and COE sites other than who manages them?

Any tips/tricks to camping at Red Top Mountain State Park?Question

Hi all! I've been living in Atlanta for six years now and have never been camping in the area. The girlfriend and I have been itching to finally go and we decided we want to try and get a group together for Memorial Day weekend! Looking around on Reddit it looks like Red Top would be a good first time out and the thought of swimming out on Lake Allatoona sounds amazing. Looks like all the cottages and yurts are booked up so we would be doing campsite camping which is fine with me! We we're leaning the old fashioned way anyways. As I'm typing this I'm realizing I'll need a bunch of camping stuff including a tent so feel free to send me the best places to go check out that stuff too!

For people that have been there before is there anything I should look out for? Any favorite campsite lots? Favorite trails? Any awesome things to do?

If this helps we are interested in Boating, Fishing, Pickleball, Hiking.

EDIT: I went back to look at the availability of other sites and it looks like it's all booked up. I guess I was ignorant to think anything would be open on a holiday weekend! Well anyways I still would like to go another weekend so still open to advice.

Thanks all!

UPDATE: thanks to the people who told me to set availability notifications! I was able to snag a cottage at red top Mountain State Park for memorial day weekend! Thanks so much to all!

I’m in the camp that Hangman’s reign was super dope. There was some great matches and the final program with Punk was great. They both brought their A-game. I wouldn’t consider him in the midcard at all. Since he dropped the belt he’s consistently been fighting other main event talent.

Does Kevin Dunn work here now? I’m so confused.

I have the paid version and I’m not able to link my American Express.

That makes a lot of sense! Thank you so much for the kind words. Appreciate it!

Was there a reason you had to come off of it? I am scared after reading all these stories about withdrawal symptoms to get off of it one day, but I don't see why I would anytime soon since it has been working so well for me.

I hope it continues to work for you. In a month you should be feeling even better!

Makes sense, definitely sounds like it is reading it as an account and not a CC.

ahh bummer. Well thank you for the reply.

Hmm that is strange. I just went to try and link my American Express and I'm not seeing the option. Any tips?

I feel like it took about a month for it to really start working!

Ha! I remember thinking the same thing! oh wow I can go to the grocery store and not get random vertigo and think I'm having a stroke. Seriously has made my life so much better.

Budgeting app like EveryDollar? but better?Budgeting

Hi there, I got super into budgeting lately and tried out YNAB and EveryDollar. I ended up going with Every Dollar because I really liked their layout and how simple it is. The drag and drop is so nice and its simple to understand. YNAB was confusing to me.

This is the catch. I guess EveryDollar's creator does not believe in credit cards so you cannot link your CCs like most of the other budgeting apps. At first I figured I would just manually enter it myself but after two months it's gotten annoying because I have 5 credit cards which I use for everything and use responsibly.

Anyone have any recommendations that are similar?

A success story after 1 yearSuccess

Hi everyone! Over a year ago I was on the subreddit lurking and reading so many negative things about this drug when the doctor first prescribed it to me. I had been battling anxiety for the last 5 to 10 years and it had gotten to a point where it was affecting my every day life. There is one instance where I had a panic attack while I was out at a work dinner with colleagues and I think that was the straw that broke the camels back. I decided I needed to get help so at my next physical, I brought up my anxiety to my doctor for the first time which took a lot of courage for me, and he prescribed me venlafaxine. As I do with everything I'm about to buy or take, I came straight to reddit and saw all these horror stories which made my anxiety even worse. After much back-and-forth I finally decided to just try it and I am sitting here over a year later absolutely changed for the best.

I wanted to write a quick post just to let the lurkers reading this sub like I was a year ago that sometimes this drug can work. My anxiety is not completely gone and never will be but just like the doctor told me it will help with about 70% of it and that's exactly what it did. I'm no longer anxious about dumb things that don't make any sense, only about real things that normal people should be anxious about. It is such a strange sensation now, I will feel anxiety rising like it used to but now I'm able to fight it back easily and push it back down.

I would say that on days where I have a brutal hangover that's when it comes back the most and it's hardest to fight but I have stopped drinking as much as I used to which I think is best for anxiety overall and other health reasons of course. I definitely still go out drinking with my friends but just take it easier which is best!

I'm on 75 MG daily generic venlafaxine. The only side effects I can remember from the first couple weeks was not being able to get an erection and some dizziness and nausea. I would say after 2-3 weeks that all subsided. I feel 100% normal now.

No more being anxious about diseases that I don't have, going out in public, and hyper analyzing every single thing I feel in my body. I guess you can say that my anxiety was definitely mostly about health. Now 95% of the time I don't even think about stuff like that which is so crazy to say over a year later.

I hope this post helps someone! Fuck anxiety.