Not built to wash dishes? I can guarantee washing dishes is way easier than laying bricks my guy

TWST meme master

What's the context here? Where is this from, I'm so confused 😭

Why does it hurt for these people to just..let women choose what they want?

So rock-solid my foot is stuck in one of them gaps

Same people who only care about children until they are born. Then it's on the woman to take care of because God forbid these fuck nuggets pay child support πŸ™„ like if you get to bark into people's lives about abortion and pregnancy then you should be held accountable for the child support

TWST meme master

Expressed my opinion on them making gore edits of people's ocs without the actual owner's permission

So deep in his delusions, you can't even see the top of his head

TWST meme master

I have this quote I always throw up against the satire arguement from Terry Pratchett

,,Satire is meant to ridicule power. If you are laughing at people who are hurting, it's not satire, it's bullying"

Bro's acting like #SmallBoobEnergy is something that affects anything about women. Having small boobs is not nearly as of a disadvantage as having a small dick

I aint hearing out the opinion of any man who looks like THAT

They're just telling on themselves on how desperate they are at this point

I'm convinced these people live under one collective rock

TWST meme master

Wait werent they the one using another person's oc for r word content? That shit aint okay bro even if you're a victim. And even then, just don't share it. Especially not in a romanticized manner because there are young and influnceable people all around the internet. Pls keep it to yourself even if it's a coping mechanism