Tbh the easiest part lol itโ€™s just flour and water that I mixed around for like 5 mins on medium till it thickened.

Ty! Tbh I baked it with my heart and basic knowledge ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿงก

I followed a recipe on yt but I got extremely sticky dough and went through the process of adding extra flour, kneading and adding a layer of oil when proofing so itโ€™s not as accurate to the video esp since I bake without a scale. But I can link the video if you want.

I think they jsut need more room it look good to me .3.

It turned out great! Light and springy with a bit of crispness and a hint of sweetness itโ€™s like a croissant itโ€™s so good ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

I know itโ€™s supposed to have bumps but I really couldnโ€™t bother I donโ€™t have a scale to make it even lol ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Ty so much! Iโ€™m baking milk bread rn for the first time too my bf keeps calling me a chef ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Tysm it taste amazing! Iโ€™m trying milk bread tomorrow!

Ty ty my very first bread Iโ€™m proud!

I have an update! It turned out good in my eyes

Uhhh just a bit but Iโ€™ll link the video I tried to follow and what I have so far

also also- the yeast is fresh it doesnt soil till next year.

kk bet. so i'm checking it ever 30mins and it is doubling and im mixing it a little so that i could work the glutten a little bit before I decide to give up ima let it rest for another hr before I put it in the tin to rest completely before baking.