I'd guess the stain is still wet and won't mix with the paint, so it seeped through the coats. Gotta properly clean it all off before you try again.

Parallax means that the farther away something is, the less it appears to move. Stars are so unimaginably far away that they are, for all intents and purposes, stationary in the sky. The fastest motion you have to deal with is the rotation of the Earth, and that's relatively simple to compensate for.

The largest single perfectly fair die is the d120.

Seer, Fateweaver, Dragonborn Boyfriend Lover

24th of Solon, 212 AR

A very, very, very long time. Randall Munroe of xkcd actually did a video with a similar premise a couple weeks ago: https://youtu.be/Jpy55EgMQgY?si=dM9nsXRpUjceJwQe

Iron is very much native to Earth, but not as a metal. Because early photosynthesis filled the atmosphere with oxygen, basically all natural iron was converted into rust and other oxides. The only exception are meteorites. There are some ancient daggers and jewelry and whatnot that were forged from meteoritic iron, long before we had the ability to smelt it from ore. It literally did fall from the sky.

But once the Iron Age hit, we realized the stuff is everywhere. All you have to do is heat it up hot enough and add some excess carbon to drive off the oxygen, and you get a very accessible and strong metal.

Because Murph kinda was one of those guys when he was younger. He knows how to play him be cause he was him.


Do you mean like convolutions using a kernel on the image? You could just open up photoshop, that's basically how every filter works.

If you can't find any easily, you can get some transparency sheets to make your own.

The color comes from the accretion disk, which is basically the gas that the black hole is actively consuming. The more blueish it is, the hotter it is, and more reddish is colder. So I guess blue might be "more powerful" depending on your definition of powerful.

Wearing a Ridiculous Tie

Probably not, it'll be kinda boring flatscreen.

⛰️ Lithobraking

Delta V is important, but only if it can actually get off the ground. I know the current booster has a pretty high TWR at launch, but this has got to be pushing it.

You might be able to, it seems likely they're getting rid of the bonus action spell restriction.

He has not so far, so it seems unlikely. Once the show is over though I'm sure we will have a full write up by the community of the rules.

I don't think accosted means what you think it means.

I know I'm late, but I can't believe nobody mentioned Harmony, which is one of the main reasons this is possible. It lets mods patch and change the game's code without conflicting with each other. It was originally specifically made for Rimworld, and has since become a library used by tons of games.

Wearing a Ridiculous Tie

VR might be a good place to deal with that because it can't actually hurt you.

You can always bind it to a key you'll never press. Page down is my go-to.

Pretty sure that's just part of his comedy style. Drop something kinda ridiculous and the immediately move past it.

Yea, it's pretty nuts. Try not to think about it too hard, and enjoy your time as a conscious part of the universe.

We don't know you or your friends, do you have any inside jokes that would be fun to put on a coin?

I don't think so, at least not where it is now. If it was higher in the sky then maybe, because that would mean the planet you are on has turned farther away from the sun.

Tiny Heist is pretty fun, as long as you like the McElroy's sense of humor. Pirates was okay, it had some fun moments. I haven't seen Shriek Week because the premise seemed uninteresting, but I've seen people say it wasn't great.

NADDPOD is awesome, highly recommend.

There isn't a perfectly defined line between the inner and outer solar system, but the main asteroid belt is usually between the two. Jupiter is pretty universally one of the outer planets. So I'd say the Trojans are "outer".

There are other icy asteroids out in the Kuiper Belt, but those are usually just called trans-Neptunian objects. Centaurs are thought to maybe be TNOs that have been kicked inwards from gravitational interactions.

The problem with trying to put strict labels on all of these things is that they aren't as distinct as we want. There's a continuous scale between rocky and icy. Positions can change at any time from gravitational interactions, putting things out of place. And sometimes we just can't draw boxes that neatly encompass everything we want them to.