This reminds me of the game loadout where they only had males as characters and later added the female. But because they had to keep the cartoonisly big hitboxes the same they had to make the woman overly muscled and fat. It was hilarious.

The game was also great btw

I see [[beast within]] quite often. It goes in every green deck I have anyway.

I would never get a tattoo because I don't like the permanence of it.

But if I had to get a tattoo it would either be the 8 pointed chaos star or brimstone symbol from the binding of isaac.

Being able to dip into reds easy access to casting from exile with [[rassilon the war president]] would be neat too.

Having a degree. It shows dedication and education, but says nothing about intelligence.

People with degrees have said and believed some very stupid things.

So killing them has a pretty profound impact. Not sure if that is what you are looking for though.

To be fair, I'll give her points for filming in landscape mode. Too few people do that. It doesn't balance out the rest, but its something

I had a look in my binders and I found [[Eriette of the charmed apple]] and [[The mycotyrant]] and I don't know if secret layers count, but the backside of cute to brute [[westvale abbey]] has Ormendah, profane prince sit on a throne. Tough that card cannot be a commander, but he can be 99 in a throne tribal.

You'd be suprised. That are a few brands which do go up to mans sizes. If you are willing to dig into your wallets I can even name a shoemaker that does custom sizing that produces overknees. It is not as out of reach as you'd think.

"Not the bees" - Nicolas Cage

Seriously tough, my quote is very much "Life can't have ups without downs."

I feel like that would be more common then you would think. It causes excitement in a body that can't handle excitement anymore and then the body just gives up.

I remember watching a British reviewer that pronounced "bizarre" as 'BEH-ZAH'. Just imagine if some kid watches this and says it like that from now on.

With cards like these, exiled effects mean a few things:

The most important one: It is easy to tell what card got exiled face down , since exiling facedown is a very rare effect. Since you can cast it later on you would want to easily be able to identify the card that got exiled.

This means it is hard to cheat another spell being your "free to cast" spell there. I believe this is the primairy reason for exiling. But there are a few game play effects as well:

Draw effects don't trigger, since you are not drawing this card. This might be a very important one, since blue has quite a few 'on draw' effects.

Instead cast from exile and put into exile effects will trigger.

The card doesn't take a slot in your hand, so you can 'hold' 8 cards now. Not uncommon for blue to do.

Edit: didnt read the card right. You can't cast it later on, so the first part of my answer is not that important. In this case it is more important that the first effect resolves, leaving the card in a zone where it can be interacted with (exile) and then the casting section can resolve.

I usually call rulelawyers (people that ruin games by being very precise with rulings) antfuckers.

Because they have to be very precise to be able to do that.

That is how Ugin describes the eldrazi. It makes them kinda scary.

I read the title make offspring and immediately went "giggetiy".

I noticed this with getto kids and "You know what I am sayin'?". If I hear someone say that irl I will interrupt them to say "No, I don't know what you are saying" regardless if I understood or not.

I like how you say "Just type", like I don't first need to figure out how to type chinese characters on my qwerty keyboard.