I tried two different travel brushes last trip. One folding collapsing type. Worked ok on dry hair, especially if I remembered to braid the night before. Another is an old Lancôme freebie that has a few rows of pretty stiff bristles and a folding in comb on the other side that acts as its handle. That works better on my wet hair… They’re both ok, but a bit of torture to get through my thick but fine long hair. My normal brush is huge though. I’ll be checking the other suggestions here!

Don’t think he had any trouble. He’s in the kind of shape we dream of being at his age. But the rules specify age, not ability!

I’d add rental cars to that list. My FiL landed in Dublin a few years ago to be told they don’t rent cars to those over 75. He eventually got it worked out, but something to check on! (He’s 84 and still traveling, but his wife is not really capable anymore so that’s putting a stop to most of it.

Have you been to Portland? We just got back from a PNW trip and Portland exceeded expectations. Amazing vegan food everywhere, super bus/tram/train coverage that is safe and easy to use. People were friendly. Really, I’d have to visit for a bit in winter first, but summer impressions would have me moving there!

Visited a cute old town in the Cilento area in Italy, Cicerale. It’s one of these towns with dozens of centenarians! Sadly the town has lost its younger population. Small problem we’d all have to learn Italian… but it’s a gorgeous area!

I brought and wore only my waterproof hiking boots. We spent several days in Reykjavik and the rest driving the south coast and golden circle area. A few good hikes and lots of waterfalls. Husband wore sneakers and was fine. I didn’t regret my choice. I was a lot more relaxed in the wet areas and on rainy days. They were perfectly comfortable for our 9 days. If I had room, something to lounge in would have been nice, but not at all needed.

I’m on a city/hiking trip now and have worn my Salomon waterproof hiking shoes in city and on hikes. They do have a serious tread, which I loved on some slippery trails, but they’ve been comfy for 8 days of city walking as well!

Sunscreen available in PortugalProduct Question

Headed to the Azores and Portugal and will need to buy sunscreen (I’ll bring a small tube to start off). Anyone from there or travel there that knows a good brand readily available?

That would be something! Really, you can’t say amenities fee and provide nothing of use! Not terribly impressed with the Seattle Vintage. Nice people, good location, but dated and not a lot else for your $ (unless you drink a lot maybe?, they do have a happy hour)

Good question… I’m torn really, if I find the right place I’ll splurge :-) Will look at this! (Edited to add we’re staying a two Kimptons in the PNW now, and I’m a bit annoyed by their service fee… we don’t drink and are vegan so only way to ‘spend’ those dollars are sodas from the store? Just tell me the room is 25$ a night more instead of pretending it’s for something we’ll use!)

Choosing a resortproperty recommendations

I’m starting to think about a short (5-7day) resort stay somewhere in the carribean, or maybe Miami, in the second week of December. We’re not usually resort people, but will have been so busy this year that a relaxing vacation may just be perfect. I’m thinking somewhere with ocean views, but plenty of shade (I don’t tan!), ideally a few side activities available, hikes or things to see, but not so much that I have fomo and can’t relax! This will may also be our first reward nights. Don’t need to go crazy, just somewhere relaxing. Does anywhere come to mind? I see a few that might be good in the Dominican Rep. but would love any first hand experiences for anywhere in the Caribbean or south FL.

Started using packing pro my last two trips. Like it a lot so far. Eventually I will have lists for every type of trip saved and it will be super easy. Already pretty easy. Just took a little time to set up my base list.

How was the location of the Holiday Inn? Maybe I just save some points for a nice stay on another trip.

So… I ended up going back and getting way too much as they were out of my size when I looked online! My onebag is stuffed to the gills, and I will try to remember this lesson and pack less next time!

Considering Buenos Aires IC

Headed to Buenos Aires in the fall. We’ve never been there, and also have never stayed at an Intercontinental. Does anyone have experience with this property? Reviews sound varied. We’re usually perfectly happy with a Holiday Inn, but this looks like it’s a good location, and we’ll be there long enough to get our 4th night, so it’s time to use some points.

We tend to look at trips as ‘foodie trips’ or not foodie trips’. Some places are going to have excellent options (Barcelona, Portland Oregon, London, etc) and I look forward to those trips as much for the food as the other attractions. Other places, I joke that I’ll be living off French fries and hummus. It’s never actually been that bad (yet) but if I know it’s a challenging destination food-wise I’m mentally prepared that I’m there for the other things, and the food is just sustenance that trip.

The plus side of still being a little off schedule? You can get great photos of any normally busy sites if you’re up at 5 am!

Oh wow, that would be handy!

Feeling incredibly lucky!

Great fabrics, prices, colors (mostly neutral with a few interesting ones). I didn’t get it either… now I do!

Those parachute pants are on my list! I’ll have to hem them a bit, I’m 5’5” and the puddles a bit around my ankles. But so comfy! Wish the airism joggers fit, but not enough room in hips for me :-(

I blame this sub

In a good way :-) Love reading all the posts as seeing the great support. I hope one day to have a style worth the name. You’ve got me thinking about it… must be quick dry, and hike capable… but if there’s a way I will find it here.

We passed a Uniqlo in Seattle yesterday while on a tour bus and had to navigate back there afterwards to shop! For an hour. I do not shop at home, let alone on vacation! Of course I just took a pic of everything and will order later as my one bag has does not have room for all that!

Keep it up ladies. You’re all fabulous!

Larger girls, southern heat. If there hiking involved esp those bras are going to need washing most nights. Debating this myself now. I think two reg bras, two sports bras. Just incase they don’t dry overnight. (The other problem with size… gotta have a strong bra which tends towards ones that don’t dry fast.)

I got the women’s 32l Mystery Ranch. Not quite a clamshell, but opens up nicely. After having shoulder trouble with my last pack this one is very well fitted.