Elite SG on a bargain deal. Also shows up in the playoffs.

Imo LeBron allowing us to use the MLE to sign someone will only ever result positively. IDC if that just nets us Klay, Jonas or DeRozan, that's just a "free" move in a sense

Maybe a season where Russ destroys the Nuggets, Ant fights Rudy, Luka eats too much at the Olympics and Brown requests a trade.

Probably top seed for both conferences.

He was good. The Spurs wanted to tank and traded him for a good deal.

I have belief.

Saying people who have gotten in trouble just to make their passion a living ARE BEING PAID TOO MUCH is idiotic. There are more costs than we will never see to play in this sport and push it forward. While 200k is a great salary, I won't jealousy shit on them for getting paid more.

The WNBA will benefit from more casuals you gatekeeper. More disturbed racist, homophobic and vile people will view sure. That's just ratio and proportions. However, this will allow the WNBA to reach more kids out there that will allow them an escape from their daily lives, find healthier (and safer) outlets for their energy and it just might push positive values of teamwork, unity and hardwork to them. I'm so sure most casuals will be these younger viewers. Look at how many college fans CC and Angel have converted into WNBA fans, many of whom are young.

Also, idgaf. You don't deserve that type of respect. Looking at your post history, you seem sick. You just sound bitter that these people are getting to push for their dream.

You're a fucking clown. Show me proof of these women not wanting to get paid more. Wtf they're not making ENOUGH. We had the Griner thing happen because they have to play overseas to get more money.

Also, they're already experiencing that. You'd rather force them to play for chips than get an actual pie? Look at you wanting people who have been subjected to hate, racism, homophobia and etc. to get paid less. Look at the NBA, it was segregated until change started and people saw that people of a different color can ball. It was and is a great instrument for change. Now it's a very mixed league.

Your arguments are so stupid.

You can go bootlick whichever billionaire is up your ass.

Lmao talented Vuc. Vic is a bad contract and is far from his Orlando self.

Spurs onward DeRozan is a much much much better player than Toronto DeRozan. Pop unlocked him

The W is still in the 80s version of the NBA. The stars are great but the drop off after them is steep.

Sort of. I believe they should have included a provision to negate the supermax portion (money beyond the max deal) from affecting the salary cap of a team if they drafted the player or that player had been playing with them for 5+ years. Would help small teams actually keep players.

Nevertheless, this was done quite well to make everyone competitive.

Generational rebounder but she has to learn to pass it out if she wants to improve. That's 3 other people crowding you. That's a bad shot.

I'm sure it'll be better after a few seasons of play

Buddy I know. I wasn't even alluding to this year.

IT OPERATES VIA CBA. Just like the NBA, the Players need to present why they need better revenue splits while the league as a whole can make better deals with broadcast networks + streaming services. Look at how pay jumps per CBA in the NBA.

Casuals are increasing everything. They dwarf you and your die hard crowd 99-1 and that's just the way it is. These casuals will be responsible for more views, more discussions and more money in general. Look at ticket sales and jersey sales this year? Exponential growth.

Get out of your head ass

Pass on McNutt. Give me a pod with Chiney hosting and a revolving set of guests!

Casual fans are the ones responsible for increasing league pay. If they wanna stay broke, then let them not deal with it

Fairly cool with Pelinka. No move doesn't mean we didn't try. Everyone just tried to fuck us in trades