Did this quest during RSC, it was terrifying seeing that demon pop up

Already scare amounts of shelters and living situations, got to love whether or not you are homeless is business

I left one of the top clans and at this point haven't been bothering to do all my quick patrols. I'm as good as gone

I've had this happen. Involuntary muscle spams, random flashing lights, endless echoes of laughter in my head, time broken up and given in random pieces, multiple hours of this. Broke down and called EMT's.

Barely remember being in the hospital but remember constantly being woken up and nurses treating me like a museum exhibit

The letter was really well written and exactly how I've been feeling about this game.

It's unfortunate because I'm approaching a year and a half for this game and have been an incredibly loyal player. Did I spend thousands a month, no, but I was reliably spending somewhere between 100-200 (even this is ridiculous for a mobile game but it wasn't a lot of money for me and they've built that loyalty up). Ever since the barrage of upgrades and constantly making hard progress useless with new updates, I've just completely stopped.

But I think Habby's plan is to maximize the ultra whale dedicated spending until everyone burns out and move onto the same strategy with a different game. I don't think they have any intentions of building a long term loyal player base at this point

I don't know, with age and after many rotations around the sun, it gets a lot easier

"What type of men do you like?"

Muslimss adjacent person waves hand in air excitedly

Dude next to her makes her put her hands down

That's awesome. There was a defining moment in my math career, abstract algebra. I think it was some coset theorem and it was like aH Ha aH Ha over and over again. I know there is structure and beauty in the proofs, you are a person who appreciates it, but I had a different mindset way back then

Say it again and again. Door dash is pitting dashers against the customer's. It's fucking sick

I mean it was during the degree and realizing there's no way doing a graduate degree in this, everything up to calc/linear algebra/ differential equations was legit. Topology and abstract algebra not so much for me

Honestly I prefer specialized organizations like customer experience, marketing, finance, business performance over a large data team. Organizations like this tend you have a great need for analytics & intelligence but a smaller data presence. It gives you a lot of flexibility of how to define your analytics journey and gives you a lot of room to innovate for impact.

A lot of those large data teams tend to be very rigid, they are so focused on spending weeks / months working on arbitrary complex models, and there's little wiggle room for growth so breeds a competitive environment with your peers.

Just my personal opinion

I'm with you. I built a bunch of NLP subtasks like you and those are still valued. You will have to deal with a lot of non analytic people pressuring to move to LLM's to magically automate and do everything. There is still demand for the things you've done but be prepared to delay them for a bit until the LLM industry stabilizes

I'm going to give my advice on what I've seen. Wait for a little while longer before trying to build LLM's for practical uses in companies. Even in large tech the space is very volatile and the company strategy has been shifting in short bursts. If you are developing new LLM's for large companies is more stable but you have to come top if experience for those

Grew up in life enjoying patterns and learning about things. Always had a fascination in math and spent a lot of time growing up mastering mental arithmetic, algebra, geometry, etc...

Parents didn't have a college education but I wanted to pursue mathematics for a bachelors. Got through a bachelors degree in pure mathematics and took a few statistics class then I realized I never really liked math but heavily enjoyed the statistics classes.

Like you said the combination software experience and scientifically understanding things with a statistical framework resonated with me very well. I eventually got a ph.d. in statistics.

Now I coming up on 10 years of career experience actively connecting real life information to digital data and building impactful and meaningful analytics in tech. I still enjoy to this day looking at unstructured business objectives and understanding how to connect it to digital data - understand what digital information is missing and designing a data framework to solve them

The point being the game was at least reasonable at some point and it's no longer reasonable

Lmao, I've been reading the sources of the data and the measurements and didn't see the word real. Of course, right in the title

When the game only had the eternal set and void power, I was dishing out ok money. When they got void set, I ramped up a little. When chaos sets came out and wishlist, I ramped up a bunch to get the perfect equipment set thinking that was the end of this nonsense.

I still enjoyed the game pushing for red tech parts and slowly getting red equipment to +4.

Then they released pets. No biggie, get the pet pass and was going to allow it to build over time.

I was consistently spending 100-200 a month.

Then they fucked everything. Like in a very small amount of time: S characters, collectibles, pet awakening, SS weapons that costs thousands to max, tech part awakenings, more SS equipment, survivor awakening, tech part resonance, and who knows when the madness will stop. And the funny part when you invest so much they have a habit of making something that replaces it at a later date having to re-spend.

The pace of the game quickly outpaced my motivation to keep spending money in the game. So I stopped. They've alienated most of the game to the top tiny fraction of a percent and everyone else got left behind. I'm glad some people can throw on thousands a month to keep up with all this dumb new shit and likely locked themselves to deal with this hostile pay2win crap they will continue to do.

But the people like me will never spend on this game again. So I hope that tiny percent of players are spending giant money was worth than the thousands and thousands that were spending at least a decent money.

What's worse is they have lost that mid base now. Slowly but surely that tiny fraction of players will fall off realizing spending thousands a month on this game is stupid. There's no middle tier of customers because they've jumped off here before it got insanity. The low to free to player players will be discouraged knowing the only way to catch up is to spend money.

In the end will be a bunch of dumb ass idiots outspending each other on this dumb ass game

My point is from 2020 we've seen 2 years with inflation rates centering around 6.75% per year. Then 2023 with inflation dropped to 3.5. This represents a total increase of about 17.3% in that time frane from inflation. Wage increases from 2020 to 2023 hasn't kept up with that number. If it's anything accurate then it's less than half in the same time span.

Yes wage increases may start out performing inflation. Which is great, but the quality of life pre-2020 has gone down. So if you were poor back before 2020, you certainly are not in a better position.

Better position relative to last year, but honestly for these people the ship is still sinking just a little slower than last year

I have to be honest with you, it's been 17 years since I took physics. But I do have a ph.d. in statistics so the charts are appreciated.

There's a couple things. The chart stops at 2022 and I can't use it to support any arguments today. Am I reading this right, 2018 to 2020 is a drop and 2020 to 2020 is a 60 dollar increase but still lower than 2018?

I think you may have pasted the wrong link because the quantitative impacts of the data you have shown I certainly wouldn't be arguing increases

No, assests and debts are the positions of the cars. The difference is net worth.

Your wage is the amount of money coming in - the velocity of the car. Wage increases are measured Year over Year and is the change of wealth - the acceleration.

Similar with expenses. Inflation is the average increase of expenses Year over Year - also acceleration. 0 inflation means you maintain constant velocity of expenses not that the expense car stops.

Don't mean to have a condescending tone but you clearly think 0 inflation means all the expense increases over the last 3-4 years has reverted and everything is back to normal. Sure the wage increase over inflation has happened, but the question is relative to inflation was it enough catch up the constant years of high inflation and the answer is no

And this is just the tip of the iceberg

I have a taco bell like a mile away from my house. I pay the dasher 5 dollars in tip, to me that seems like ok tip for what normally is a quick delivery.

I did my usual Taco Bell order, put in my usual 5 dollar tip, hit send, and of course for some reason the order is in the next city almost 10 miles away. Like wtf, not only is that a shitty tip for the driver, that's too far distance for the food, and I'm sure there's no way door dash is making profit on this order now.

I used to be a dasher and one day got like a 23 mile dairy queen order. There must be something where if the preferred restaurant is busy it picks the closest near by one which could be over 20 miles away. Door dash only making like 8 dollars from that order but gonna end up paying a dasher 12+ when the order is kicked back constantly. Then the poor fucks ice cream is going to be melted and they gonna get a refund anyways

Shit, don't know why I bothered replying if you weren't even going to address my point. I've directly already replied to this. Wages outpacing inflation is meaningless and doesn't decide whether or not poor people become richer.

Think of two cars, one car speed represents income. The other car represents expenses. They are on a race, when expenses overtakes income car too much then you go bankrupt.

Inflation is the acceleration of the expense car and wage growth is the acceleration of the income car.

Like I literally said, for all I care inflation has stopped. But Inflation has kicked the speed of the expense car so much, the expense car is still going faster than income for poor people

Inflation is measured as a rate of change like YoY. Inflation could stop for all I care but wages will not catch up to the new cost of living due to the Inflation the past 3 years. Yes, poor Americans may start doing better than the past years but it still isn't enough to reverse their downward trajectory in debt.