Jesus Christ he really has no concepts that fresh water is limited. I don’t know why that surprises me.

Cat, horse and dunno but some kind of rodent build most likely.

Edit: too small for a horse unless it’s a foal or pony. Probably a Deer.

Welcome! I hope you feel accepted here and can ask any questions and are comfortable enough to ask!


Elian is a nice name. It’s definitely unusual but not over the top. I am all for old names. But I think this may come down more to OPs personal taste. I think the two yes rule should always apply for picking a name, no matter how many you have to go through. This was a stupid deal to make and I think you should ask her to take the two yes into consideration. She can always name the child without you if she holds your bargain and there’s not much you can do about it. It was shitty to put her in this situation and not stick to your bargains, you must have known she would pick something to do with myths and legends/fantasy or at had an idea that may happen. If you planned to name the girl and she had no input, would have picked something she also likes or would you let her request to back of the bargain like you are? She should reconsider to have a name you like but I don’t think she’s obligated too.

That’s a dog head or maybe a Raccon. Definitely not a cat.


No. It’s my own voice making the noise, if I can recall it at all. I am a full aphant. I think the lack of noise in imagination is called Anarullia? Sorry I can’t spell to save my life. For example a donkey brays, I don’t hear a donkey. I hear my own voice going Hee Haw.

I gave one to mine, he was very excited and nabbed it straight away, only to immediately give me the stink eye and spit it out after one chew.

No. My memory is odd though, it’s extremely bad and lacking. I can’t remember much but can remember more if prompted. The memories that are strongest and that I can recall are few but are they are very emotional. My memories are also like reading a passage in a book or rather listening to a passage in a book, it’s the like that even with the ones with emotion.

What is the point of rubbing it all over your hands, if you’re only going to lick your fingers.


Then someone else said Freddy Frazbear and I think that’s way more on par.

It could also be a Hungry Hungry Hippo or Falcor the luck dragon.

The Center is the best bit, working from worst to best bite.

Definitely a wild rabbit. Same kind you get out in the bush and on farms.

Haha I have considered it but you should see the reactions from collecting cans sometimes, I can’t imagine poop! If you do want some but, they bag it and leave it for collection by the Morphetvill race track.

This post is very important, just like you! Don’t forget you are loved and you matter !!!!

That’s not shit at all, I would kill to be at that level.

Monkey? Definitely some kind of Simian.

My Nanas used to dance like this and also bob up and down, he would also head bang. You had to go up to him and say “Dance Cocky Dance” nod your head or flap your arms and he would join in. He was actually a Pink and grey Gala but we called him Cocky.

I have problems with eye contact with everyone regardless of how long I have known them, I hardly even make eye contact with my partner.

The correct answer is both. The only acceptable way to eat off the cob is to start like left and finish like right.

I was not even close to ready for that. Poor thing.