Wow!!!! I needed this you’re so awesome.

I did go get checked and have a colonoscopy set up in September.

I feel EXACTLY like you do buddy. The dr checked with this little plastic thing and said there was nothing to be concerned with but because of the length of my past addiction it’s smart to get checked. What’s bother me is the amount of pressure i still have when I go, so of course i looked in line and the fact it wasn’t noticed during the exam could either mean Im in the clear OR that I’m in really bad shape :/ UGHHHHH. But that you kindly for your method and insight you’re right. At the end of the day I have/going to do what the doc says, right? So what is what I am doing helping??

All the love to you and your health.

Broooo! That’s clean as hell! XS, shiny. Zoura, AND 4*. The odds are probably insane on that. Good work!! This is why we play the game.

Yeah no doubt just knowing you have a perfect, mega pokemon is powerful lol. The best of the best.

Best of luck buddy! Keep rolling. Touch back when you get yours. I hope it’s today!

Haven’t seen any one say a groudon! Thats dope. Do you favorite it over Kygore??

Yoooooooo thanks for the awesome data break down. I love how different everyone’s pokedex is.

210 is a lot. I play so much pokemon go and i thought mine was going to be up there when i posted this to this cool feed.

Bout was i wrong.

100% larvesta is soooo cool, the percentage chance of that is so wild!!!

Also your naming ability is hilarious.

😆 the no reason purification. You’re wild

Woahhh that celebi is def one of that coolest I’ve heard someone having the last couple of days. Awesome!!

Yooooo! Yessss that makes you awesome

Rock and roll! I had no idea! Until yall told me. What charged attack??

So cool!! Thanks for such a cool story tho! I wish my grandma was down 😆. Cheers to more wins for yall.

Aww bud :/! Get out there and get to it!! I’m sending all the good vibes to you. I bet you get one soon! Let me know when you do!

I’ve caught 58,200! It’s all about luck bud! How many shinies do you have??

See i have NO shundos and i feel like most events i never get those shinys!

A lot bud. I Love it. Me and my 2 year hit the park every evening. I do have a great job and manage a 20 plus million portfolio so there is a trade off 😜 i just work, be a dad, work out, and catch Pokes!

That is soo cool!! Getting grandma out and exercising. This just made my day! And you have a great line up!!