Ahhh, how refreshed I feel. Just woke up from my late morning nap, and am ready to celebrate Americas birthday. Especially good thing none of the cars discussed are English!

E46 330, F30 328d, F15 X5. I’m a bimmer fanboy. I don’t do afternoon naps thank you

lol, sorry, I have made an edit to clarify.

No, guys doesn’t actually do this. There was a long standing joke early 2000’s about saying and doing gay stuff with your buddies, and following it with no homo so you wouldn’t be gay.

Same, I am a little in shock right now thinking someone has a problem with my ankle or my no show socks. I think they’re comfy and look great sometimes

This is true. Solid advice, that’s always how it worked.

Accidentally get in a sword fight w your bro one day? It’s cool, just say no homo either before, during or right after. And boom, you’re not gay. And you don’t have to ever talk about it again either. Just like it didn’t happen. It’s all good bro

Edit: apparently not putting /s leaves it open for people to second guess as to whether something is satire or not.

This is funny. I have a great friend who is an Engineer. I am going into last yr of law school.

This was an underrated comment

Let’s not forget “Indian giving”. If you’re American. That’s when someone gives you something, only to take it back or try to take it back.

Today has been brought to you by the letter “cultural abuse”.

Agree with this above sentiment mostly.

You could look into getting CAMS certified (if you’re willing to foot the bill yourself). Once you get one of these roles, most FI’s will pay for you to get the cert.

When you apply for any of the mentioned jobs, speak to the job requirements in any and all amount with which you have BSA experience. Whether training, or reporting suspicious behavior/activity to your BSA dept. This is how I landed my first AML analyst role. No bachelors degree. Just several years of banking, and some good experience with CTR’s (was a teller for 4 yrs).

Location will matter.

I live in a small/mid sized college town ~100k ppl. 3 banks HQ here. Two itty bitty banks, with 1-5 branches. One bank with 110 branches. So there was ample opportunity. Non-remote 10 yrs ago. Keep applying, keep trying. It’s a fun field to work in. I kinda miss it, minus the office politics 🤣

Also worth noting that most customers know just enough or are just dumb enough in their financial knowledge to make things look questionable, but not know they’re making themselves look more suspicious.

Criminals are either good enough at doing this threat we rarely notice them, or are completely idiots, and make writing the SAR’s a cakewalk.

Yeah, I would say chances are that they are not laundering but rather wanting to get larger denomination bills. If you contact branch personnel do they have the ability when checking atm daily/weekly to see what the cash deposits are? If they’re depositing 1’s and 5’s it could be a waitress or stripper exchanging tip money for $20’s. Or a parent exchanging their kids lawn mowing money for $20’s.

Unless this is happening daily or 3-5 times per week, this amount is so small that it wouldn’t make sense for someone to need larger bills for that amount of effort to then still only have cash. It would still appear to be illicit if they’re going to another FI, and depositing cash.

I struggle to see how this could go beyond an alert or possibly opening a case for SAR review without knowing more about the customer and what they do for work, and what the account activity generally is to see if the activity is extremely odd. That was one of the big factors I would use often when reviewing an alert, is “how weird is this activity for a person in this profession, and at this age, in this geographic region”? Is the location within a hifca or hidta? Does anyone from the local branch where the transactions are occuring know the customer? Do they have information which could explain why the customer may be doing this? Do the ATM’s have a camera so you can review and see if the person doing the transactions is in fact the customer?

Sorry, your description doesn’t have enough detail to go into a full analysis. But above are the questions I would look into.

Also, sorry, I have been outta the game for a few years and just nerding out on this subreddit.

Damn, that’s a really smart idea. I’m shocked I had not yet heard anyone else think of this 🤷‍♂️🤣

However, suggesting Biden needs immunity, implies that he needs to be immune from something. Did Biden break some laws I’m unaware of? I know about Hunter, honestly I think the whole gun thing was to get everyone to stop worrying about whatever was on the laptop which didn’t exist 😔

Plus, I thought the immunity thing was just reaffirming that official acts are immmne? Like going to war kills people, that does not mean the President can be tried for murder when people die in war. Acts outside of official business, ie- paying a lawyer, and lying about what the money was for =not immune, because it was a presidential act?

Maybe people on Reddit know something I don’t 🤷‍♂️

Anyone else get a headache just looking at this?

God, those days were rough. Yet me and my buddies thought we were in top of the world… then again, I suppose we weren’t low 🤷‍♂️

This is terrible… now my curiosity is really bouncing. But all the other comments make me think I really should just go on enjoying my happy life and not look it up.

Did you look?

If you did, will you respond and tell me if I should too? Like if you could go back in time and tell your past self whether to do it or not

That’s more than I have/had in moveable liquidateable assets. You should be able to comfortably get through school.

I am getting the hint that your comments are satire as I don’t know many people with that amount of money that just keep it in cash. But if that’s how you role, then cool for you I guess. Maybe it was an inheritance that you don’t know what to do with 🤷‍♂️

Either way, I think law school has been fantastic and suggest it for anyone wanting to find more challenge. I would get bored in banking every year or so and need more challenge, hence I got a promotion again and again and negotiated for bigger raises. Best of luck, whether your a smart ass, or considering law school 🤣🫡

lol, no more corporate dick sucking.

As an attorney, I can chose my clients (whose dick I’m supposed to suck 🤣).

I’ve been pretty good at meeting people and finding ways to make decent money in a professional/legal manner. I don’t think I’ll have a bad time doing so in the legal field. Appreciate your spin on things though 🙏🤘

Law school for me has been ~$18K/yr. Four yr program.

Plus, an extra $30k/yr in living to supplement my wife’s low income. Math that up to about $200k for 4 yrs. Not finished yet, but this will have been about how much of our savings/net worth which was liquidated or already in cash form to get through the program.

You Sir, are a gentlemen and a scholar!

This is Great work!

lol that’s because British with a backbone are called American. We were the ones who told you to fuck off with your tax on tea and won that war.

Retired banker.

Currently unemployed law student.

Zero… for now

Maybe not “rich”, but people would likely say I belong in the top 20%. I did quit banking at 33 to go to law school without any income. Sooo

I guess I do earn some in dividends (for tax purposes) and have reallocated all of my 401(k) balance to Roth.

But no standard income, and the dividends are all set to DRIP those companies, so I do t actually receive any money.

My wife earns about $600 every two weeks (after 50%) 401(k) contribution, and healthcare and dental are taken out. So there is your answer, $600 every two weeks.

Meet me behind the dumpster in 5, bring $20.

-guy that’s not gonna be poor much longer

Won the debate? The one that happened tonight? 6/27/24? Trump V Biden?

Let’s hope to God that they let Biden stay in the ticket, do you know who Gavin Newsom is? Maga likes to say that Biden is an authoritarian? Well those Magas don’t live in CA

Meaning don’t mow at all for the next week. I have turf type tall fescue. The taller it is in the summer months, the more resilient to heat and minimal watering it will be. The length of the grass blade encourages the roots to grow deeper, making the lawn more resilient.

I normally mow with my Honda on like the 3 setting in spring and fall, but for summer I push it to 4 or 5. The sprinklers barely pop out high enough when I mow on 5 to continue to water all of the lawn. But it stays nice and emerald all summer. The cut back which comes in the fall is usually not pretty, so I do it in stages, and only lower the setting after like two or three weeks of regular (twice weekly) mowing in the previous setting. And it end up looking a bit yellow for a brief period. But it comes back great in the spring

Soo you’re tellin me there’s a chance?!

Stops! Runs back to where she was to tell her that:

“There was a guy a little ways away that was having a bad day”.

Kindly gives directions to said guys location.