If a female dies while on her period and has a tampon in, does it get buried/creamated with her? Or does it get removed?

EDIT: ….now I’m also wondering the same about contact lenses?

EDIT 2: To everyone in the comments telling me not to use the term ‘female’, I genuinely did not know I was using it wrong. I absolutely mean no offense to anyone what so ever by that. I’m surprised people are more focused on this part vs the disturbing question I asked…in the r/nostupidquestions sub…but either way I think we all know who/what I’m referring to. This one term didn’t completely throw the entire question off and make it confusing about what I’m talking about because of how inaccurate and unrelated the term used was. I understand I may/may not have used the wrong term, but I personally always thought women are females….or at least it’s what one of the options typically is when I select my gender on form of some type. But again, this may be wrong and so I apologize for my ignorance.