necro but nah I get that in every playthrough without trying its either not rare or drops somewhere specific

maybe if you've already gotten the bug removed and live in an area where ladybugs in your house are just completely unavoidable then I suppose it would be a decent preventative measure, but that's only in that specific situation. you wouldn't just put masking tape on just in case a bug might get in some day

"a slow tempo"

I wanna hit this guy. the "tempo" of a game should mean nothing

this whole comment is making me want to shelf this game

I wouldn't hold your breath, but I hope that day comes sooner rather than than later

I try to strike a happy medium but as long as I can get MINIMUM 48fps I'll gladly crank the graphics

I don't even like taking the time to open those fuckin things

was a joke, I obviously wouldn't want a lady bug in my monitor just as much as I wouldn't want to cover it with masking tape

nah you need to get it together that's on u

I'd rather have the lady bug than a bunch of masking tape all over my monitor

beds/garbages changed, floors vacuumed, surfaces sprayed/wiped down/ dusted, tile mopped. all done every day. what more does a room need? if you're talking about the housekeeping you get during your stay, that's not a full clean. the full clean happens when you check out. I guarantee that our rooms are cleaner than your room in your house and I don't need to "trust" you, I inspect the rooms myself from time to time so I can personally vouch for their cleanliness. you like to talk out your ass exclusively huh?

I never once said "a bunch", I just said we get them. my issue was one singular ant in my screen.

we have garbage cans, a fridge, a pantry, I have a cat who'll sometimes spill food on the floor, sometimes stuff gets on the floor in the kitchen before we sweep it up, etc. so every once in a while we'll see an ant or two wandering around. nobody said anything about a whole tribe, I don't know where you got that from. you can't just "eliminate" any of those things either.

also you ignored the part about me having seen them in our hotel rooms in the past, which are cleaned thoroughly every day. just be grateful you live wherever you do where ants aren't a problem and don't act ignorant. or just keep yappin like i bet you will lol

as long as you're aware of the heat and moisture in the air I that room, you'll have to play it by ear. if you have any other options though I'd probably go with them first