Real life lesson: If you don't get help from people ask for some shinto shrine workers

aqui persona que no es de mexico y vivio en europa, realmente si es cierto que hay muchos refugiados, el problema es que SI que hay inmigrantes ilegales, y sobretodo son gente pertenecientes a mafias que aprovechan ciertas leyes, por ejemplo en españa hay leyes en las que un hurto por debajo de 400 euros sin violencia lo maximo que hacen es una noche de calabozo, en italia hay leyes en las que tu jamas podras defenderte frente a una agresion de una mujer embarazada, etc etc, no es "peligroso" en el sentido de que sean normales escenarios violentos y realmente la mayoria de inmigrantes son personas maravillosas, pero el problema es que el que delinque tiene via libre y tal vez comete mas de 1000 hurtos en un año sobretodo en grandes ciudades que es donde mas sucede porque pueden robar a turistas, en muchos sitios de europa toleran inmigrantes, siempre hay gente racista, pero la vision general es que son aceptados y en gran parte la gente piensa que son necesarios porque al tener baja natalidad los paises europeos disminuyen la poblacion y las pensiones no son sostenibles asi. La verdad si es en gran parte por la inmigracion ilegal, porque normalmente no es gente que llega a un pais sin papeles (que de hecho los hay y es de lo peor ya que no tienen papeles para trabajar, conozco de un caso asi que trabajan en trabajos bien duros, en negro y con salario menor al minimo al no obtener papeles para trabajar) pero la mayoria es gente perteneciente a mafias, en españa y en europa si la inmigracion es legal, la mayoria de la gente no tiene problema.

As a jungle main, in soloq I prefer prio for my botlane + enemy jungler not knowing where I path to than clearing the jungle 3 seconds faster cause leash lol (but if they leash me I say ty for being good bois and trying to help me)

btw since I have seen that you are interested in pvp, this website is gonna help you a lot with builds for pvp and so on the equivalent for m+ and raid right now for that website is

Tier sets are like a bonus to your gear, you can get pieces on raid or 1 per week with this guide
You can make progress in your profession just playing the game, the level of your profession will raise and you can level it calmly, for using addons I recomend using it's kinda similar to install mods in minecraft so it's easy, you simply extract the rar at World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns. For farming gold being honest being new to the game the best way is simply doing your world quest, you can get more gold carrying people, but right now at the end of the expansion professions don't give a lot of gold so don't focus on that, focus on that once the new expansion starts, you will not need any wow coach since wow is a community with a lot of veteran players, you can ask anything here or join a medium/small twitch channel (100> viewers) and people is gonna help you, have lots of fun with this game ^^

I play WoW and monster hunter a lot with friends and Shin Megami Tensei or Like a Dragon when I play alone

WoW cataclysm remade the zones of Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms, so you can't play the OG's versions of that zones in Dragonflight or Cataclysm, you can play ALL the other expansion in retail for sure but its not the same as classic since in retail you can choose the zone you want to play with "Chromie time" (a npc that scales the content of each exp up to your current level while leveling). But classic forces you to play all the expansions and zones in a linear way (lvl 1-60 classic, 60-70 the burning crusade... etc) WoW classic is just the version of the game without all the changes made by future expansions, like that one that I said, classes remakes, new content like m+ dungeons, new talent trees etc... It depends of you if you prefer a grindy, leveling based and slower old school mmorpg or a fast, end-game oriented game.

Don't play WoW 2 Starter, is like another account linked to your battlenet, just play in WoW.

I'm sorry if I had some typos since english is not my mother tongue but I hope that this comment helps you, if you have any question ask it and I will try to reply u. ^^

Imagine liking Taylor Swift😂😂😂 how fucking embarrassing