Jay z, I’d ask him if getting half a mil or having dinner with him is more lucrative.

Did we finish school? Did we change careers? Did we finally end up leaving the city we were brought too? Did you find love again? Did you manage to do the things we wanted? Did we quit drinking for good?

Take it one day at a time? I drank again yesterday. I’m gonna go 1 day at a time. Maybe I’ll reach 6 months soon.

What’s up man, I am in school, late 20’s for accounting. Were you working while going to school? I’m taking a summer course, and in the fall I’m gonna take 3 classes. Did you finish school little by little every year? The finish line for me is so far away but I don’t want to give up. Do accountants make good money?

You and I are the same age, I turn 29 in a month. I’ve realized that if we don’t choose something soon and stick with it, we aren’t gonna make it. So stick with accounting, or get into a trade, or move up where you think you want to stay. Or do a complete 180 and do something else, just make sure you are 100 percent all in.

Hell yeah don’t drive home

6 years of dedication. I’m currently on year 2 and I hope to achieve similar results.

Im 28-29 soon and I feel so deeply ashamed. I work full time going to school part time. It hurts so much because I think I’m a loser who still lives at home with my mom. I am trying so hard not to give up even though the finish line is so far away.