Ich bin auch keine Brotspezialistin, aber ich glaube deine Schnitte oben sind nicht lang/ tief genug. Daher reisst es unten. Ich wuerde mal probieren, den Schnitt oben der ganzen Länge nach zu machen.

Right, I enjoyed it just as much as Rebecca. I havent read any of her other books but realised she's written lots, excited to make may way through her catalogue!

Somebody here recommended "Fallen Angels: A Story of California Corruption". The subject was very interesting but damn the ads were annoying. It was about 3 min of ads, once played right at the beginning, once around the 8 min mark, then again at the 14/15 min mark, etc. And it was always the same sequence of ads! At least switch it up a little!!

I also started a BBC Podcast called "The Six Billion Dollar Gold Scam". Don't want to give too much away, but I would recommend it to anyone who loves strange tales of fraud!

Colm Toibin was on the book review podcast last week to discuss Long Island! Recommend giving it a listen, it was the best book review episode in a long while.

I read "My cousin Rachel" by Daphne Du Maurier this weekend. Somebody mentioned it here a couple weeks ago. It is sooooo good!! Very atmospheric. Highly recommend for a cosy weekend read.

how about classic Agatha Christie? Perfect cosy mysteries in my opinion.

Read "Poor Things" by Alastair Gray. I hadn't heard of this book until the movie came out. It started off so strong but I feel like it lost steam in the second half. Did anyone watch the movie?

Read "Tear" by Ericka McKeen. It's a (horror) novel about a young woman who descends into madness while her roommates, living upstairs, fail to notice. The scenes describing her weeks in the basement are really strong, but it had a lot of flashback scenes which I am not fond of. (How do you guys feel about flashbacks in books?)

Read "They Do it with Mirrors" by Agatha Christie, a cosy Ms Marple mystery. This one I felt like wasn't anything special. It wasn't bad, but I just finished it a couple weeks ago and barely remember who the murderer was!

Listened to "Catherine de Medici, Renaissance Queen of France" by Leonie Frieda. This was a 3 star biography for me. For the first time after reading a biography of a powerful woman, I believe she was overall a terrible person, and not a particularly fascinating one. The biography was well researched and presented though. I listened to it on Audible and had a hard time with the narration, because the (British?) narrator mispronounced all of the Italian and French in this book. IDK maybe I'm a snob but I feel like you should research the basic pronunciation of words if you're going to be narrating an audiobook.

Read "Wavewalker" by Suzanne Heywood. It's a memoir about her life sailing around the world with her family for a decade in the 70s and 80s. I havent read Educated by Tara Westover, but it sounds similar. I think this may have been my first ever memoir, and I thought it was very compelling!

Read "Under the Skin" by Michael Faber. This was incredible and I daresay it may become one of my all time favourite books. It is a novel about a small, strange woman who picks up big, burly hitchhikers in the Scottish Highlands. I think it's best to go in this without knowing more - avoid spoilers at all costs. It is beautiful, haunting, eerie, suspenseful, thought-provoking. I absolutely tore through this!

yes PLEASE share it! They look divine

Project's Brazen's Fur and Loathing is live! They are the network that did The Professor, Dynamite Doug, The Sound, etc. I love their shows, they are very professional and well done.

Loved the first episode. It's about a gas attack at a furry convention at a hotel in Chicago in 2014.

I listened to the whole podcast because there was a detail in the first episode that I wanted to see resolved. Frustratingly it never happens! I also didnt love the podcast overall, it would have been much better as a one-part " the opportunist" imho.

I hate that you say this because Ive been wearing Fairy Dust all the time since I got it a couple months ago and was looking at flower child. I was kind of hoping people would hate it. Looks like I have no choice but to make another international order !

my freezer is very small too and I keep my KA bowl in there in the hot months. Our shelves are adjustable so I have adjusted it so the top shelf is very tall (to fit the KA bowl), the next one is very thin though (can only fit 2 pizzas). Worth it IMO since you can store smaller items inside the bowl. The walls are pretty thick but you dont lose the entire space.

Ah I enjoyed the Feather Thief a while back!! If you want to check out something similar, you should consider "The Orchid Thief" by Susan Orleans, it is one of my all time favourite books.

Thanks so much!! I live in a humid environment so it's perfect. How long/ which temperature do you bake them?

wow they look amazing. Could you please share the recipe?

I have the Kitchenaid bowl. I live in Asia with a tiny freezer and the bowl sits in the freezer during hot months. Even with a small freezer, I dont mind having it in there (I store some smaller items inside the bowl, so I dont lose too much space). I know it's not everyone's cup of tea but I it works great for me. Right after churning its a soft serve consistency, but after a few hours in the freezer its the consistency of regular ice cream. Not sure if thats different with a compressor type.

I use the regular one from SuperNail, I am not sure that it is very gentle, just more gentle than the straight acetone I was using before!

yes! These are the BEST cinnamon rolls

same, for a while I was using straight up acetone to remove my regular nail polish and it is SO drying, my nails started breaking and peeling. Switched removers to a more gentle one and started oiling and havent had an issue since.

is Southern California humid? I live in a humid environment and usually need more flour. I think it's the ambient humidity affecting my doughs.

Stellas Devils Food Chocolate Ice cream recipe is my favourite ice cream recipe. The texture is to die for, even after a while in the freezer. I think it's due to the cocoa fat.

I bought David Lebovitz' the perfect scoop, but I must say I found most of the recipes disappointing.