"This will stop those gays" they are so stupid to think aids is exclusive to gay ppl

No gay person is entitled to agree w a ideology that threatens their existence whether its religion or political, that i can agree with

Children are not as dumb and bigoted like adults, they get indoctrinated by idiots like you with no knowledge of the world and the people in it, stop using children as a guise to uphold your conservative beliefs, bet you dont have a problem w children being forced to worship a sky wizard and being told that they will burn in a made up hell for eternity cause they happen to like the same gender 🙄

So your fine with nazis imposing their beliefs on children but non binary existence crosses the line?? Are you hearing yourself?

Mk11 is easily my favorite, i still love playing online and im glad there is people still playing

Talk about it sure...Not blow it up and make it viral is where im getting at..the most popular viral gay or gay friendly twitter accounts blew this story up, not conservatives

Ah the conservative hypocrisy where 1 gay/trans person equals 1000x straight white christians who do the same and worse, who cares what nazi lites think? They dont need evidence to demonize gay ppl since they already hate us

Amongst who? Ive only seen this story go viral amongst gays, the only time damage control works if it went viral amongst conservatives normies first

Do you see conservatives freak out and do damage control when the 10th conservative pastor is arrested in the same week for the same thing? No, yall blew this up and gave conservatives the loaded gun to target us