
Ask maybe the "LG drop the T, also there is no B" people. They are Rehe reason as to why did people need to put more specific colours and chevron to remind about more marginalized groups.

I want to argue that before the word "gay" was used to characterize the whole community including lesbians, bi, trans and ace people. Would you say that the creation of these subgroups divided the group?

The ones who always wanted to divide the group were cis white middle to upper class gays and lesbians who excluded trans people and people of colour at the first pride event in NYC after Stonewall on the motive of them being "too extreme" (aka respectability politics)...cue the extremely powerful speech of Sylvia Rivera. I recommend a watch if you haven't done it. It brought me tears.

Our foundation mothers (Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera) were trans women of colour who "threw the first brick/molotov cocktail" which started the riots for our rights.

Also Sylvia Rivera was still sent to prison because she presented as a woman in front of the judge after being arrested for wearing feminine clothes while asking people for signatures for a petition for gay rights in account of the Mattachine society (you know the cis white middle and upper class gays and lesbians).

All this to say, the most marginalized members of the community still fight along the whole group and stay within the group.

These are always the conservative white cis gays and lesbians from middle and upper class members of the Mattachine society who tried to divide us since the inception of the gay rights movement...

Funnily enough there is also that in french "tu n'es pas en sucre"- You aren't made of sugar.

I don't get what the problem is, wear some layers of rain proofed clothes and have some spare clothes at work... We also do it in Switzerland, especially for people who work in a uniform...

Since one still has to go to the station whatever the weather.

When is he going to announce the come back of section 28?

It isn't an "if" but rather a "when".

St. Gallen

Try to make a phone call to your cantonal social insurance office as you certainly qualify for subsidies.

Sometimes, they even pay the insurance retroactively, from my experience, as they try to make sure that one is financially stable in order to not need further help.

Honestly, I don't know if "offensive" is the word I'd use. I tend to think that reducing people to genitals is just both ignorant and gross.

Yep "gross" and "creepy" are the words I'd use to characterize people thinking like that.

Like does anyone want to be reduced to their genitals? I don't think so. And that's also why I hate these "discussions" about "preferences" as they still are reducing whole human beings to just a couple centimeters of meat.


These are just bootlicking pick-me gays. By licking trumpets' asses, they think they'll be spared.

There is nothing you can really do as they worship money above all else.

They also further these racists and phobic people (see Candace Owens for POCs or Blair White for trans people) who can point at these pick-mes to say "I'm not racist/homophobic/transphobic, I like this one person".

As to their "arguments" about pride, I've never seen anybody naked at any pride I've been to. In fact, I'm more likely to see cishet men hiking naked in the region as it isn't illegal. Fun fact: in my country having sex in public is legal for as long as nobody calls the police. And all the sex action I've seen in public in my country was done by cishets.


These are all variations which are meant to remind people about different groups being part of the community too.

If one feels aversion towards these different variations of progress flags, maybe they need to have an introspection to see, for example, how queer POCs, intersex, queer people with HIV or even trans people get treated as parias in their own community.

Maybe we wouldn't need reminders if we weren't so intent on excluding more marginalized people of the community.

St. Gallen

For me, 50 CHF raise is huge. Never had a pay raise in all these years...I would consider myself extremely privileged... That does say a lot about our system...

If the repubs get back to power and enact project 2025, outside of criminalizing LGBT+ people (as they tried to do in Florida but on steroids) and denying other human rights, yes, they will cut all findings for transit, deny climate change and remove a whole bunch of regulations, all that in favor of big oil.

Or in the words of Trump: "drill, baby, drill"

St. Gallen

Honestly, firstly I don't think of many tourists doing obscure hikes during their short stay. They'll certainly go to the Alpstein or Lauterbrunnen (both easily accessible by train) rather than the Murgsee Wanderung...

Secondly, tourists tend to avoid rush hour trains so...what?

Also people aren't all egotistical a-holes who need a bay of 4 just for themselves, their feet and their bag.

Then connections are rarely mismanaged. I don't know in which reality you live but even the official stats which take missed connections into account are still stellar...not saying there aren't any problems anywhere but still...I also walk with my heels through these "tight connections" and make them without running and most of them take place on the same platforms (Arth-Goldau, Bern, etc) so your take is really exaggerated at least, if not outright a lie at worst. Cancelations also don't happen that often but on specific EC lines. I dare you to find loads of cancelations in our national network apart from major trouble such as a natural catastrophe.

And lastly:

Parking works well, it’s not expensive for P+R - and if you get a fine - just pass it on a random car - chances they pay for it are high. (Specially in FR)


St. Gallen

Doesn't the police make tickets with the number plates? So how is the unknown victim supposed to pay something that doesn't have their number on it?

Genuinely asking as I've never had any ticket and don't plan on receiving anyone soon...if ever.

St. Gallen

Except that you'll get either fined or your car will be towed depending on the people in charge of enforcing parking regulations in supermarkets... Not a "tip" I'd recommend to tourists.

Further, just in case, most parking garages in villages and small towns close down max. 1h after the shops close.

St. Gallen

Where did you get these prices? A 8-day pass for foreigners cost 419 francs per person. So 838 francs for 2 tourists and you don't have to worry about anything but eventual tourist trains such as the Glacier Express, nor about trafic:

Honestly OP, I'm really sorry for you.

This is outright abuse!

Now if she already is making threats to out you, you have to proceed very carefully as to leave her before she takes a too big of a toll on your mental health while keeping yourself safe.

If you still live home, I'd advise you to either get rid or at least hide all tools such as binders and packers if there is a doubt that your parents will not be accepting.

My advice would to put more and more distance with her until you're unreachable. You know like focusing on your studies or taking a new hobby which takes loads of time and gives you an excuse as to why you don't see her less and less...

Or you can try to come out to your parents but that's really risky if you're not sure that they'll accept your gender identity. But so, she wouldn't have that sword over your head anymore.

Good luck!

:trans-rainbow: Trans-cendant Rainbow

Always this irony of her and her minions to push these "concerns" about "women's safety" while actively pushing trans men into women's spaces...

What I would have pointed out is that: "by focusing on policies to keep trans women out of women's spaces, you are actively pushing men into said spaces"

Just look at these stupid toilet bills which actively push trans men into the women's...

That would just have been the icing on this delicious cake.

She basically opposed the withdrawal of Miami Dade County's discriminatory policies back in the 1960s iirc.

Except that Anita Bryant didn't have an appointment with the leader of a country's major political lefty party which will come to the commands of nukes... Despite her celebrity in the bigots' side, she still was relatively local.

The first example that comes to my mind is on the Zurich S-Bahn from Rüti ZH to Winterthur, there is the S26 directly going to it which needs 1:06h. This trip is just faster using the S5 or S15 through Zurich main station and then get onto the S11 which shaves 6 minutes or the same lines until another suburban station, take either the S3 or S9 until close to the airport and change again on the S8 which shaves 19 minutes to 0:47h.

:St-Gallen: St. Gallen

Thank you very much!

St. Gallen

No, in Switzerland, I speak as I do with septante, quatre-vingts, nonante, etc. Not huitante though because I'm from the north and we don't use this word and it doesn't come up naturally.

But if I see that the person is confused, then I'll try the switch as the point of communication is to be understood.

Further, I don't go to France so that case doesn't come forward.

Speaking only for myself, I would say "who cares?"

My opinion is based upon the fact that the author is heinous yes, but it's about the content, not the author.

Otherwise, we could "ban" all content coming out of countries with problematic issues... The US, the UK, Japan... All these countries use the content as "soft power" but still are problematic in how they handle(d) many issues both in the past and present...

Certainly there will be people who will make some weird connections, but a little talk can dissipate a lot of heartaches.

:St-Gallen: St. Gallen

Thank you very much! Yep, that's also something I'm trying to achieve. I still find the whole thing overwhelming as I lack experience to work for the state or an insurance, heck even in a small business in my area where places are very few...the only advantage I have are the languages I can speak which are good for a front desk but not any advantage for a back-office job.

Even with trying "Quereinstieg", I always get the standard answers such as "we found somebody who has experience/more qualifications", or "more network" as I'm not originally from here.

:St-Gallen: St. Gallen

Thanks for taking time to answer.

I though about it, the problem is that I haven't got loads of money to start a business, either in a highly competitive environment with big names such as Pink travel (Kuoni) or even TUI who send people abroad...let alone to rent/buy a hotel to turn it into a LGBT accommodation...