For EN, it’s only her facade for her 500 year act that acts “bratty”. Her normal voice is the other dubs. I actually prefer her EN voice for this reason

Even preppy in 2024 is a lot less basic then this lol

Moderately high frame rate at moderately high resolution with best AMD cpu for gaming | best gpu period | a lot of fast ram

Neuvillette jp va also voices Levi from AoT, who has a very large female following

It’s not really about how it’s spelled, it just sounds like it, especially how he says universe. I can hear it, this is how it goes:

Save sounds like Say, the is the, the U in universe sounds omitted and the n is stretched, and the way Thom stretches “verse” sounds like “word”.

:venti: Abyss Dweller :hutao:

TaoBao does ship internationally actually, so you don’t need a proxy to forward it. As for the Chinese, I had a friend who can read it and place the order 😅, so I’m not sure how much I can help you there. Shipping will be around 20 dollars if shipping to the US, but that makes it far cheaper than buying from, which runs you for $80 for each seahorse

Edit: shipping is actually 30 bucks for both seahorses cuz of an airplane flight I didn’t factor in

You both can be right. It can make everyone angry and also drive engagement every year, so they keep doing it. I still personally think it’s scummy

Respectfully, Rizzley is hilariously curvy. You need to see the man from behind lol

:venti: Abyss Dweller :hutao:

Me and a friend ordered it from TaoBao, which was a unique... experience. It took a few months to ship and we had to avoid paying huge shipping fees since it's an international product lol

Edit: Taobao store link

Original Creation. It means you’re claiming you created it.

No, after one rotation Furina will be out of hp to consume. Honestly you can even use Bennet instead of Thoma

For his first miracle, he turned primo into creature of joy

Chocolate is not very toxic to dogs. The toxic part is theobromine, which is found in the cacao beans. It depends on the size of the dog, but typically even for the darkest of chocolates they’d need to eat like 2 pounds to experience toxic effects. For milk chocolate, it’s several pounds of chocolate, since it contains so little cacao. Obligatory bring them to a vet, they’ll give some activated charcoal probably just to be safe.

However, chocolate is terrible for their digestive system and they will shit themselves.

/u/rah2501 Thank you for being very unhelpful. Downvoted.