Don’t use the crowder meme. He’s a piece of shit. Automatic downvote no matter what.

Zia. Slow fashion. (Just make it good quality and long lasting.)

You’re right. People in politics hold no power. That’s why elections are not hotly contested, and republicans totally don’t go out of their way to disenfranchise people who have the mere potential to vote against them.


Buy some comfortable shoes.

Or don’t.

Because you don’t seem to get it.

And if you don’t get this, it’s because you don’t want to.

So go do something else.

Just don’t go attacking a museum like those idiots who don’t understand opposition shaping or the law of unintended consequences.

Massachusetts School of Law vs ABA

What I hate is, now that everyone here is gay, we’re constantly getting volcanos and other smites from god.


You joke, but the BMI is actually a really good indicator.

They don’t read. They believe whatever the tech bros sell them.

Didn’t you hear? The tech bros will save everyone with vertical farms in robotic AI driven skyscrapers made from carbon negative concrete, growing artificial meat from bacteria on spinach lattice and milk from almond trees.

All with 120% water efficiency and zero mass inputs except raw sewage, hobo corpses, and used plastic.

All powered by thorium hybridized IC fusion, three solar paneled windows, and exercise bikes awarding bitcoin.

Totally reasonable. Nothing has to change, but abandon every solution that won’t scale to ecumenopolis size levels.


Translation: In my defense, I just took some random persons opinion as gospel.

You really should just shut up. Go watch it, and then actually know what you’re talking about. Because the abridged summary isn’t informing you or making you look informed.

Except for all the toxic chemicals in the flood zones which will poison the entire ocean.