I was just denied my bar certification even though I passed the exam.

Applied to law school one year, got rejected from every one. Didn't give up.

Retook the LSAT and reapplied, got into a top 20 school. Started school during covid, failed two classes. Didn't give up.

Near the end of my 3L year, I couldn't afford to feed myself. Didn't give up.

Moved back in with my parents in a shitass small town to study for the bar. Worked three jobs before I started studying. Didn't give up.

Took the bar, got over 300 on my first try. Top 0.7 percentile for Crim Law. Told my character and Fitness exam needed further inquiry because of an arrest at a protest. Didn't give up.

Just found out today that my certification was denied because I turned in an exam 10 minutes late on accident and forgot to mention it. I give up.