Any recommendations for Websites with ancient Rome archaeology information (past present and future)?

Looking for any recommendations for Websites that show any and all kinds of information on past present and future Roman archaeology news and info.

Edit: like for example, stuff on Pompeii- items , paintings etc

What to offer the Genius/ spiritual guardian?

I understand that the Genius is a spirit who watches over one from birth to death.

I've never really done offerings to the Genius before and I'm unsure of how to go across this.

And I mean not only the food offerings , but how to offer them as well? Anything I should say during the ritual?

And also, WHEN is a good time(s) to do offerings? Before/after rituals? In the morning and/or night?

Does the Genius require anything special during a ritual ?

How formal should I be with the Offerings and act?

I see.

Is the festival list available? I find it interesting and if possible would like to know where it's found if at all available?

Any resources around that are about Caracalla and Geta?

I read Gibbons book section of the two and got the general gist of the two, but I like to visually learn things, like watching series, documentaries etc; things like that.

So are there any documentaries or series that talk even a little bit of the two ? I can't find much out there but maybe I'm missing something? Im trying to learn about the lesser Roman emperors (like Caracalla and Geta) rather than the famous and well known ones (like Nero, Augustus, Aurelius Trajan etc)

skadi and odin honourer

money unfortunetly no, but would making craft made by hand that connects to hunting, like handmade animals or something related to Skadi- would that be okay for Skadi? or would that be to much? I like to create unique things by hand.

Ohhhhh, I apologise, autocorrect changed Heathenry to Heathenru for some odd reason. Stupid autocorrect and quick typing just made an issue.

Yes I am aware of this and what you explain.

Thanks though for explaining

How to fix 'pmdxlib.dll' error when opening PMX editorHelp! / Question

It says that 'direct 3d is not initialised' and that 'pmdxlib.dll or one of its dependencies cannot be found'.

Pmx editor seems to work just fine with this error, and I have Direct X 9c installed

And when I tried to download from a previous file in the cloud it said thay file was dangerous.

I've never had this issue before I reset my laptop and I used PMX editor just fine. This is the first time I've seen the error, so what's wrong and (how) can I fix it?

skadi and odin honourer

Odin and Skadi

Just curious, what do you mean by 'not an easy transition '?

I see. I connect letters like ει , αι, ευ in my writing. That's not common? I learned and developed my writing style from others writing fyi.

Stupid question, but what do you mean by 'writing italics?'

Just curious (I don't plan to write cursive just curious) would it be acceptable to write in Greek cursive?

I already have my own writing style , but I was confused about those letters in writing like that because I've never seen writing with the letters like that. Good to know what you said about then.

Any advice for improving on drawing from references?General Discussion

Whenever I try to draw while using references, I can never make an art even close to what I imagine and think to do. So I use references, but I still hit the same roadblock. I try all I can to try and take inspiration from the references, but I can't draw what inspired me from the references I have.

Does anyone have any advice for drawing art and improving my art when I use references? And actually draw what I imagine with my inspiration and from references as well?

skadi and odin honourer

I will start the gifting cycle once again and follow the Norse gods. And honestly the way you put it, I do think that I should start it. The point you made the last sentence, I didn't think of that myself but it sounds like that might be what was trying to be implied. Thanks you for your advice and I have determination to reach out again. :)

skadi and odin honourer

I honestly will try to start the gifting cycle but I really hope things go well with it after starting once again after a couple years...and what idea? The gifting cycle or it being a coincidence? I'm a bit confused

What is a 'league' in ancient Greece?

What are 'leagues' in ancient greece history?

A book on Sparta in reading mentions multiple times 'leagues' like for example , the Archaen League- what is a league exactly in this context? And how does it pertain to ancient greece?

Athena , Atlas and Hero worshipper

I worship Achilles

here im writing about something that "inspired" me and how I implemented it in my practiseDiscussion

So, i was browsing this subreddit and saw a post about a "book of shadows" and how its used, to note take of all sorts of things ( if i understand correctly) of spells, dreams and experiences etc.

So, as a Hellenist, i took a spin off it in a way that implements new things in my practise.

instead of spells, i write quotes and epithets i have in mind, dreams and notetaking of experiences written as well. I also draw on, highlight and mark up the pages as i improve and get deeper in my practise. I also make sure to write down things i think of asap so i dont forget it. Then, even without a table of contents, i plan to use page markers so I can easily go and find what i need.

I use a calendar book to do this.

i mean to do this as from being inspired rather than copy someone and also other pagan practises.

i don't mean to misunderstand the concep of a "book of shadows" and if i'm incorrect about my understanding and knowledge, i would love to learn what is best and what is not to do so i can futher do better in my own inpsired verion.

any thoughts?
