Artist Lounge

r/ArtistLounge198.6K subscribers38 active
Sketchbook Saturday - share your latest work!Megathread

Every Saturday we share our latest work, sketches and in progress pieces.

If you would like critique on your work please let people know, otherwise let's all just celebrate and share some positivity!

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[Jun 3] Weekly Thread - Start Here - Find an art buddy or a discord server!Megathread
Welcome to the r/artistlounge weekly thread!

We hope everyone's week has been good! What have you been up to this week? Please feel free to share whether art-related or not.

If you have any ideas for future weekly threads topics please feel free to share!

This week's prompt

Find an art buddy or discord server!

​ Please use this thread for to find an art buddy/partner or a discord server. You're welcome to join the r/artistlounge discord server by accepting this invite. Please feel free to share your own servers!

(As a reminder, you do not need to stick to the prompt)

The rules are more relaxed here. If you have any quick questions that don't warrant a full post, need some moral support and want to discuss general mental health, want to vent or rant about something, or just talk about something completely off topic, feel free to chat in the comments here. We ask that you please still follow our rules of kindness towards all others and do not write about serious mental health issues, nor use this space to advertise. If you need further help feel free to reach out to the us via mod mail.

Read me before you post in r/artistlounge

Please ensure that you have read our subreddit rules in full, which can be found in the side bar and wiki.

For a full breakdown and description of all our subreddit has to offer please check out our wiki page here.


Please add a user flair to let people know what type of art you specialise in and use the post flairs to help guide the help you need.


Our FAQ is split into two sections. The main FAQ can be found here featuring in depth answers to many of our most common questions and the FAQ Links page features a curated selection of previous useful threads.

  • AI - For most discussion about AI. Only posts with significant, new information/discussion will be kept up and not redirected here.

  • Drawing Tablets/Laptops - For all discussion about drawing tablets/laptops.

  • Sketchbook Saturday - Share what you've created over the week.

  • Weekly Threads - This thread is for anything that doesn't warrant a individual post. Rants, vents, simple questions, off-topic discussion etc.

I hope that we can all help each other grow and succeed on our journey through art. Thank you for making this such a special creative corner of the internet. <3

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What is your guy's favorite thing to paint General Discussion

I usually just paint random creations of monsters it's pretty fun

1800s Victorian watercolour guides/manuals for womenArt History

I got into a rabbit hole of researching the 'polite' arts women were expected to know in the 1800s (among drawing, music and embroidery). What came up a lot was the preponderance of watercolour guides/manuals made to help specifically women with watercolour (with a focus on flowers). Reading through them is pretty delightful, from the colour mixing guides to the line control exercises. Here's my write up of one of the manuals by George Brookshaw, 1816 Let me know what you think!

How much time do you hobbyist spend drawing/sketching everyday? Lifestyle

Just asking, I spend about half an hour, be it learning or for exercises. Everybody sure have their different ways to grow

Are many people leaving artstation/deviantart and other social media like Insta?Social Media/Commissions/Business

Why would they though, isn’t artstation a place for pros to post art, I know deviant art and meta feed their AI with its users content , but artstation doesn’t(correct me if I’m wrong) so why is it getting crapped on also.

For small or big artists leaving, they have limited options. There are options for people leaving them and one is Cara, I have heard that there are some popular artists going there thanks to a comment on my other question post. It ain’t that big currently though. Im pretty positive there are lots of big artists I know don’t even bother Cara.

But hey, can’t predict the future, AI could be just a hype trend So it could die down, not saying it would but I would wonder the direction for artists would go if they choose social media for work.

How do you rough draw stuff? Beginner

I am a hobby artist and love watercolor as a medium but I also love to sketch. Dogs, cars, baristas, cafes, people anything literally. I live in NYC so I feel there’s great sightings too. I just cannot bring myself to roughly sketch things and strive for perfection. I know I will be better at drawing once I start to draw more but I buy a journal or a sketchbook and always want to keep it tidy, fair. How are you all motivated to draw raw, rough sketches??! Help! Idk if it makes sense to anyone.

What do guys bring around with you for drawing on the go? Medium/Materials

I'll be starting a 2nd part time job in the next couple of days. It's overnight, and I'll still have a lot of downtime off work, but as soon as I come home from my main job, I can't resist the urge to fall asleep right after. To combat it I would always draw at Starbucks. Do you guys bring your whole setup with you, or do you stick to solely traditional? I'm always so scared of packing my wacom mobilestudio pro 16 in my bag ever since i slipped and dropped it too hard. Even the iPad 12.9 looks kinda bulky to take around. I'm considering an iPad mini for on the go work, but I'm eager to hear everyone's thoughts.

Do you feel resistant to completing a piece too fast? General Discussion

I have been doing digital art for about 8 years now and am pretty confident in my process. Even though I'm confident in it, I feel like I'm always putting the breaks on myself to actually completing my piece. It takes maybe 17 to 7 hours in total to finish (Depending on the details of course). I know if I really wanted to I could reduce that time if I just trusted myself, and if I just let myself do what I needed to do then I'd be able to do more art. Anyone else deal with this?

I don't enjoy art as much anymore but love to writeGeneral Question

I've always wanted to make comics because I love reading them. I haven't started on the long-form story I've always wanted to make because it seems really daunting. So far, I've made several one-page four panel comics. I used to make illustrations in the past but I've grown somewhat tired of the whole process. I find that the story part of a comic is what interests me the most, and making the art is more of a chore for it. I could just write short stories or novels instead but I like the finished product of a comic/manga. Also, I find that people aren't interested in reading short stories or novels unless they are from a famous author that is widely known. Or if it's fanfiction. I was thinking of continuing to write the script for a long-form comic but then hire an artist to help with the artwork. While it wouldn't be completely my own at that point, I just find the undertaking of making hundreds of high-quality pages all by myself extremely daunting. Any thoughts?

Does anyone else write prompt before drawing anything?General Question

It's really not an issue for me, but i was wondering if anyone else has an need to firstly know what they want to draw, then draw it. And if there is no prompt, then you literraly cannot draw anything.

Also I can draw anything much better if I can visualise my idea in mind, like a vision or a dream.

Do you have any tips or recommendations for prompting and better present ideas before drawing them?

I need drawing reference site/pack where models are clothed, and not dressed like ninjaGeneral Question

Also no extreme posses, just something model could withstand in real life 4-hour long session.
(it dosen't need to be free.)

Why is it so difficult to study and emulate Rembrandt?Technique/Method

Although simple at glance, that handwriting and stroke is so masterful, specific, I don't even know how to try to tackle his works.

I mostly draw with pencil and india ink pen.

Any experience studying and emulating Rembrandt? Something I am missing? Or try many years later with more solid acquired skills?

New Medium For Ne: Any Scratchboard Enthusiasts?Technique/Method

I've been doing watercolor for years. In 2020 I added pen and ink. Now I'm playing with scratchboard fir some drawings. I'm not interested in photografic realism. I'm using big tools to promote bold images.

Currently I'm using Ampersand scratchboard and inking Ampersand clay board. I like the board but am unhappy with the tools available. Does anyone have any suggestions? You can see what I'm doing in my website under recent drawing.

how to find art schools?Education/Art School

hi and i’m so sorry if this is a stupid question but how do you go about finding art schools for animation? of course I know the popular ones like calarts but I want to be realistic. please help i’m going to be a junior in highschool and the only thing I want to do is to be an artist.

Glade/Nightshade...does anyone else have this problem?General Question

I recently downloaded Glaze and Nightshade because I really want to start posting my artwork again but I want it protected. I am having a hard time starting the application on my computer.

For starters, my Windows computer doesn't want to run it because I have to extract the files which I do but then when I try to run it again it says I still need to extract the files but I still get the option to run it anyway. When I decide to run it anyway, my computer doesn't want to because the publisher is unknown and it may put my computer at risk but when i choose to install and run it anyways I get an error. I know I need the NVidia CUDA Toolkit which I did download. Could it be my GPU? I don't know what I'm missing here.

Need Help Figuring out line work Technique/Method

The situation is that I have two colors of spray paint, white and green. Underneath the blue painters tape is a layer of white spray paint. I plan to cut out the tape to use it as a stencil for the green paint. I'm wondering what I can use for the line work and lettering that won't react negatively to the layer of lacquer I plan to put over it and will come out matte.

Does anybody know about well-known NYC artists who are currently based in Mexico?News/Articles

I am writing an article about this topic. Also, I am currently living in Mexico, so it would be nice to know about it.

Do you have any favorite artists that fit these characteristics?

Any apps/programs for posing for artists?Digital Art

Sorry if this is the wrong sub.

I’m a digital artist and am looking for some resources where I can pose models. I currently use JustSketchMe and I like it, the only problem is that I can’t pull and drag a joint to where I want it to go and it’s annoying. Do you know/recommend any programs and/or apps for posing models? Either on computer or iPad? Thanks!

What style of painting is this and how do I learn it?Technique/Method

I see paintings like this often and I really like it. What is this technique called? Are there any resources you suggest for learning this technique? Can I do it with acrylic or is there another kind of paint you suggest?

How would you discribe my style?Style

Hello everyone!

Check my portfolio here

I usually get inspired by artists from the 20th Century, like Joan Miro and Rene Magritte. I love themes ranging from meditation to dreams to history and regional identity. Lately my art became more political, trying to promote inclusivity for everyone.

Just curious how to describe my style. Abstract surrealism perhaps? Of whom does my art remind you? Anyone I could find inspiring? If it's you, don't refrain from sending me a message!

Questions about tools and supplies as a new artistTraditional Art

What tools or supplies would you recommend as starting out?

  • sketch book recommendations?
  • pencil or mechanical pencil?
  • pen?

Lets say after a few years, what should I get then if I decided to stick with it?

  • I heard that copic sketch markers are the popular ones
  • Is there a popular sketchbook that everyone uses
  • Is there drawing utensils that are popular?
gallery photosTraditional Art

hi guys,

I’ve been chosen to do an exhibition for my art sometime next year (yay!) and was wondering what camera is good for taking pictures in a gallery. As in, documenting my work as it’s in the gallery, instead of just pictures with my phone.. thx!

Trying to draw something from memory when you dont know how... Also trying get back to drawingGeneral Discussion

I trying get back to drawing. I dont draw what in my free time, i spend lot of time thinking about why should i draw, but i dont want this to be point of this post...

Sometimes i get interesting idea or interesting visual pops up in my mind, but if i were to draw it i just feel lost. I dont know how to correctly draw people in varies angles and perspectives, i dont know how to correctly draw rooms, three dimensional object and perspectives.

I can try figuring it out on paper, but this gets me further away from realizing the thought that made me pick up pen in first place... Then i end up full of anxiety and cant focus anymore and dont want to draw anymore. I dont know maybe i should just use references everytime? But it just feels like im tainting art process by constantly googling how things look. Idk...

Does anyone else start something and then never work on it for like months?General Question

I have a really bad habit of starting something and then finding motivation for it for like months at a time. Does anyone else do this or know why it happens?

Can AI even scrape Traditional Art?Traditional Art

Title says it all. I draw cartoons with a ballpoint pen on paper. I saw something where I got the impression that AI only scrapes digital art. Is this true?