I have friends that I often get responses similar to that. Usually, I just try to start playing it first and if it’s cool try to invite one by one my friends until it kinda just sets in.

3070ti i7-9700k

I just looked into this and I had no idea this was a thing, thank you. It seems to be exactly what I was looking for.

Looking to upgrade my CPU - Need some recommendationsHardware

So, I have had this 9700k since around 2018. I'd like to get better performance on Valorant, Tarkov, etc. and I believe CPU would be the most wise choice to upgrade.

Current specs (1080p@280hz) I prefer more frames rather than a better picture.

GPU: 3070ti

CPU: i7-9700k

RAM: 32gb 3600Mhz

Is the simple answer to the question the i7-14700k or should I look more into AMD? I researched a bit and from what I understood is the 14700k is a little bit ahead right now.

This exact thing happened to me on an anemo goblet the other day lol, it’s so painful getting a 4 stat with both cd/cr and it just going to the trash

First question, do you still enjoy the game? If yea then keep playing. If you want to get better I’d be happy to help you find a routine that you can use. DM me if you want, the guy you were with seemed like an asshole tbh.

I feel like I’ve lucked out from the reset. I placed d1 (peak asc 1) and I gotta say the first few days of diamond was some of the most fun valorant I’ve played. The ex immos and ascendants in my games meant people actually spoke and called strats. Since then I’ve climbed back up to Ascendent 1 and almost peaking asc 2!

I’m going to be honest while you will lose rounds to being reacted on quicker, there are many ways to play to make yourself have the advantage in a fight. Trust the process and just keep going brotha it’s a tough world out there. Also internet don’t really matter I play on both 25 and 65-70 ping and drop 20+ on the regular.

There are a lot of characters, try to familiarize yourself with the roles in the game first. Each character has a role designated to them in the game and they are all played pretty differently. Once you decide a role that you think would suit you try to pick whichever one you think would be cool to be honest. You’ll get more characters before you know it.

:keyboard: :tablet: IGN: Zanzy

After playing long maps for so long I eventually get numb to the first 75% of the map. The other 25% however is always a nervous mess.

Usually if I end up speaking first the lobby ends up talking. So I like to just start by asking “mics?” Then just comming for the rest of the game. Sometimes IGLing sometimes not depends on the game.

Makes me feel blessed to have a place that sells boxes for the pre release at 85$ (limited to 1 per person though). It proves there are good locals out there.

Just got into the TCG scene for this game a yesterday with the pre-release. How would I go about getting the op-01 cards (commons/uncommons/rares) without breaking the bank?Discussion

Title says it all. Don't know the best way to get op-01 cards just starting out. Learned about the game from an expo with a tourney for the game. Do they still release op-01 boxes/starter decks in waves? Or is op-01 drops over since op-02 dropped? Thanks.


Yea to each their own. My play style felt super tough on Sulyvahn but really not so bad on a lot of the other bosses.

Great game so far, it’s been really hard adjusting to the games fighting style, but I’m slowly figuring it out.

Appreciate it but I think Sister Friede fit my play style really well at that point and strength builds allow you to get multiple hits on her due to staggers so I wouldn’t say I’m great at the fight still haha.

I didn’t end up summoning for any of the fights, mainly because I didn’t know how to progress the quest lines or who had quests.

Haha yea I did. I poorly worded the description so it makes it seem like I didn’t go to the actual fight but, those are my actual attempts.

Poor wording from me that was my actual attempts on the real boss fight. I just discussed the bridge midir a little.

Yea I beat SoC before all the dlcs since I thought it would be best to go through all the fights before the DLCs. I believe I was around level 85 for Friede.

Yea this first play through I went through as blind as possible so I definitely missed a lot but man am I excited to run the quest lines in future playthroughs.

I actually did that’s my attempts for the actual boss fight haha. I worded it pretty ambiguously so that’s my fault.

Man were you right. I am getting my ass handed to me so far, but the game has such awesome atmosphere and I love the story so far. Appreciate the nice message :D

I actually have video footage for every single boss if you need proof for any of them.

I'm not a completionist, especially in a game as long as Elden Ring haha. I really just enjoyed my run through and ng+, but didn't really bother to get all endings or achievements. I enjoy watching content on all of the other cool things in the game though.