The best thing is to communicate with him and see if anything changes. Sounds like he's buying you stuff he likes and you're buying him stuff you like.

Don't do business with family

I was with a girl one time that had been with a lot of dudes. And I mean like, a LOT of dudes. And she said I was second best.

You were just marking your territory OP, nothing wrong with that. My dog does it all the time.

Holy shit man are we the same person or is my wife living a double life

Immediately take this to a lawyer.

Your feelings are valid. Being stressed is okay. Obviously things can always be better and it's good that you recognize it.

But you shouldn't give up hope this easily. Things are not as bad as they seem. It just seems that way right now.

I have about 11 dollars in savings. I make like 52k a year if I'm lucky, don't own shit, and I turn 31 next month.

I'm grateful as fuck that I'm not hungry tonight.

If you're really feeling that ungrateful, donate your savings to a single mother being ridiculed right now for begging for help to feed her kids.

She'd probably take that money and pay cash for a car that's 10x as nice as the one I'm making payments on right now and be happy just to be able to drive to work at a fucking shit job somewhere.

Idc what you say about yourself I'm proud of you.

Did you even read the post?

"I have 11k in savings which at 28 looks so bad."

There, I read it for you. Let me know if you need me to comprehend it as well.

Bro maybe he needs a wake up call that he's actually doing pretty fucking well at 28.

He's clearly beating himself up and I'd trade places with him for a day just to show him what's it's like.

This is absolutely a betrayal.

However, what you described of your own behavior also sounds like a betrayal.

I wouldn't call it cheating, I would call it looking for a way out. She wasn't wanting a one night stand, just trying to escape that situation.

Take it as a lesson learned. The fact that she admits it could serve as a reason to trust her. She stuck it out with you and things got better for the both of you.

Depending on how you wanna look at things, you could chock it up as being a bad situation all around and let it die in the past.

Don't ignore your feelings regardless of whatever you decide to do. Talk to her about it, not us.

Mine was 1000% caused by a camera lens protector.

I was searching for months on a solution. Did the sim tray trick for the 1000th time about an hour ago. Finally thought hey maybe this has to do with my otterbox so I googled this.

I played a song, it was completely distorted. As I was playing it, I took my lens protector off. Sound immediately went 100% back to normal.

I'll update you if it goes back to distortion.

I don't know why it's funny that you cooked something.

If someone gave me food I would thank them and eat it. This makes no sense.

I am also pushing 280 pounds though.

Sorry man, it happens to the best of us. Take it as a lesson.

Don't let it ruin your life kid. Most of us have some kind of messed up story about our parents. Some are more tame, like catching your mom smoking a cigarette.

Some are even worse than this. My friends mom was a drug smuggler and no one knew until the cops raided his house.

Honestly, if he's coasted through life this far, he probably knows someone who hooked him up with the job.

I'd ignore him completely. Don't laugh at his jokes to be nice or something.

And when you've finally had enough of that place, make sure you very loudly vocalize what everyone else has been thinking.

Disclaimer: I don't claim to give good advice, only advice.