It’s July 4th. Time for Independence Day

Almost every year my friends and I gather , get pizza, drinks and we settle in and watch this fun summer movie. Anyone else ? Anyone have a fun science fiction movie they watch on specific holidays?

yeah that and Battlestations were huge favorites of mine as a teen back in the day. i would love to re read them and see what i think now

Isn’t it sad that instead of thinking. Man I loved this movie and these characters, I immediately thought out the USA and our current situation.

Pliable Truths

To be honest, I have not realized how unhappy or maybe bored I have been with the last few years of Trek books. To support the industry I still buy them. But ever since we did away with the Lit universe, (for me ) the novels have just been boring.

but I am really enjoying Pliable Truths. I think because it fills a small hole in Trek that shows what was happening with Bajor and the Cardassians before The Sisko arrived.

We get to see some familiar faces and the story is of course well written. Very happy to be enjoying newer Trek Novels again.

For those who have found great enjoyment with the last few novels. Great. It’s all subjective and since they were written, I am glad others enjoyed them.

Nothing wrong with not having died yet.

I don’t see the younger generations wearing the cool t shirts we had for the most part. The ironic or sarcastic statements, the bands.

guest. drain on emotional battery. whatever name floats your boat.

i think at this point it’s useless continuing this conversation. during this whole conversation you have been telling me it’s not about the bad debate and now you have decided it’s all about the debate.

it’s time to admit that you don’t care that Biden has been one of the most effective presidents in our lifetime (fact) and that you only care that he’s old and had one as debate and you are done with him. don’t vote for him. let Trump win and then we can have 4 years of vengeance and stupidity and authoritarian governing. hopefully that makes you happy.

Proof? Obama was destroyed in 1st debate. Since Biden’s debate he has shown tons of energy on the campaign trail. Your just offering opinion.

my brother waited till he was 40. he spent all those hundreds of thousands raising a kid on trips to Europe. partying. buying a nice car. living on his own in a big city and becoming a well rounded human being who was smart enough and financially stable enough to raise a kid.

wow. i have cosplayed as Captain Kirk. but never homeless. it’s horrible to be homeless. no idea why anyone would want to pretend to be.

he’s homeless. he does not care about your feelings. he has 90 over issues to deal with. not saying it’s fair. i would just push past him.

so…then you agree it was a bad debate. everyone admits that. but if you read the debate. Biden answered the questions (mostly ) and gave good reasons to re elect him while trump never answered a question and just lied for the whole 90 minutes. your agreeing with me. it was a bad debate. no arguments. but i have over 700 days where i can be proud of the work he has done.

that’s a matter of opinion. your opinion. what makes him not fit ? his age? his stutter? his amazing record over the last 4 years. give me some facts man.

Rebirth. Just never understood why Superman needed armor.

Why would he step down when he has had such an impactful and effective first term? One of the best first terms of my lifetime? Because he had a bad debate? Mitt Romney mopped the floor with Obama and he went on. The next day at a rally Biden was strong and energetic (but still had a bit of a cough). He seems to know what's going on.

I just want us to deal in reality. Trump is old, Biden is old, RFK is old. Biden was old 4 years ago when we voted for him. We had the opportunity to elect Harris, or Mayor Pete or 7 other people who were running and we went with the straight white old guy and it was a great decision. What has he done to make me question that? One poor debate does not make a man.

well when you cannot refute what I have said, then yeah this is the typical MAGA response.

I read the report when it first came out and the historians are a group of Republicans, Democrats, Independents and more.

So I am not going to try and create a conspiracy theory when none exist. I am going to take the experts at their word.

Biden has done an amazing job and has had one poor debate. I am with him.

Democracy and Democrats are more than just one person. President Biden has had an amazing record over his 4 years in the WH. Presidential Historians have put him high on their list (14 I think) of effective Presidents and Trump dead last.

While I do concede that 1) Biden is old and 2) He had a horrible performance. 3) Campaigning and debating takes a lot out of anyone of any age. I also understand that we have a criminal running against him who used the WH to make his family richer and stoke hate and fear in Americans. If Biden is re-elected he will bring new (and younger) people to the government to help Democrats pass what is important to us. He will try (since we will lose the senate most likely) to confirm judges who believe in democracy.

That is why I am voting Democrat. Its more than just one person.

I think perhaps you might be the dummy. Yes I have food shopped and my brother owns his own construction company. The USA is still recovering from a global pandemic and we are doing much better than other countries that have the same GDP as we do. Why blame Biden for the cost of food when companies like Tyson and Cola are bragging about increasing prices and then posting RECORD BREAKING profits? We have a capitalist system and I am sure you do not want President Biden messing with that. So maybe you should be more angry at capitalism or the companies who increase prices when they do not have to because they know people like you will blame the president and not where the blame should lay.

Trump was a moron. That is why 40 out of his 44 cabinet secretaries have come out against him. He took a strong economy Obama left him and just let it coast and it was great but then when he had his first real challenge which was the pandemic, he made every mistake possible. He treated it like a Public Relations issue than a medical one. He made it all about him (as everything is). How anyone can want him back in the office is beyond me. I suppose they just want his family to continue to use the office to get richer.

Clinton, Obama and Biden had to pull the country out of economic disasters by Republican Presidents, everyone gave them beef about it at the time, but history has shown that more often than not they and Joe Biden have done the correct things.

Now I am going to go buy a bottle of soda that is 44% more expensive than it was in 2020 because Coca Cola is greedy.