SIA recently upset the ASD community. I think she produced & directed it. Her name was all over it. I believe it went like this....She was getting imput from at least one ASD person & then she decided to sack em. No autistics working on a film that's been pre advertised to autistics....but they didn't tell us until it kicked off.

Then it premiered & REALLY it was the autistics who made a little B movie get all this attention.....& then we saw it & the over riding opinion was the main character wasn't autistic, she was....strange. Just really strange & it gave us a bad name. You go into that film with no idea what an autistic person is & you don't show an autistic what an ASD spectrum is ...the person still has no idea what autism is, how it affects autistics as well as society & how we could perhaps all change for the better.

Neurotypical people left theatres confused. Autistics left insulted ....& confused & very angry....& then PR was saying "we didn't actually say the character was diagnosed ". All back peddling in tandem. It screwed her film. She's lucky she has another career to jump to because if that'd been her big chance....she screwed it up.

There's a lot to be said on the subject of "just start. It doesn't matter if it's a brilliant idea. Sometimes you have to make then mould. Get a rough piece of lumber & whittle it down until the sculpture steps out of the wood & you have something good enough to polish & be proud of. Having said that, write what you know.

Autistics are known for liking facts. With the advent of utube & podcasts. Specifically true crime that should be factual, there's so much misinformation, or they use tabloid newspapers as sources. If you're writing factually & you can't find a better source than a tabloid from 1820 you don't have a source. Tabloids have got more honest, not less. Yet we believe archived papers because...its easy to find & semi legitimate. Fact or fiction, know your stuff or it just annoys people. They feel like you've wasted their time (well...I do)

Tell me you've never watched "influencers lose career in 1 minute or less" without telling me.

I don't think it'll affect monetisation on your main channel. I think they'd have been clear. They are pretty clear it's gonna affect this one.

Basically, they've said, "Get y $ together & read the rules coz you've already lost one channel. Read the rule book because ignorance isn't a defence. Nor is "Someone else did it" if you give someone access, you need to be certain they aren't gonna screw up. U-tubers may have family working & producing for em but you don't let them upload.

Truthfully, I think you screwed up but let's hypothesise. A family member decides to make a video and makes a defamatory statement about an A lister while recording. Who is responsible? Who would get sued? Loosing a channel is a cow, but think about what you're uploading & if you're the one legally responsible, the buck ends with you. It could have been worse. You've learned a valuable lesson, I hope.

I finish what I start because then I can give a qualified opinion on what & why u don't like that particular author & also what you did like. If you've tried a couple of books & u just can't get into it, I'd give up now. You tried, but if you can't get into his books, trying to emulate him & take inspiration from his work... won't work.

I find Dickens wordy. He'll spend a chapter introducing side characters & it's in extremely small print. Lots of words. However, after I've read it i have an extremely clear picture in my mind of where they live, what they look like & how that often matches their temprement. It's like people's meanness is etched on features. I know how they talk, where they are on the social ladder. How intelligent the characters are.

If they were having lunch I'd be able to smell & taste it, so while I find him very wordy. Yet he paints pictures as vivid as Varmeer with them. Find out what you don't like & why you don't like it. Then decide, was it total rubbish or could you take some good from it.

Recommended reading.

If you want epic fantasy, read D Eddings. He's amazing & has several worlds going off. I'd start with the Belgarad.

Patrick Rothshforth, (I think we're still waiting on book 2 or 3 of a trilogy ) he hit best seller's lists with his first book.

Mary Stewart wrote books about merlin & magic. She was awesome, but she died pre audio books & they've gone out of print & there expensive... but worth it. Ask at a library.

The brisinger trilogy. The film (Robert Carlisle) butchered it & the other two books won't be made after that disaster.

Obviously, Tolkien, but remember he wrote more than the hobbit & LOTR. I have a 1st edition of the children of hurin. He wrote prequels, sequels & ....things in the same world but not necessarily in the sane time or place. 

Those are all dragons & magic & the best fantasy writers I can think of.

A low simmer, not boil. The 3hr boil is a deceptive name. Even if your re dessacating it to powder you'd simmer not boil (it'll burn on the pan bottom ) low & slow it won't boil dry if you turn around for two mins.

3hrs is for the full muscamol & unless you have ph strips your probably going to go low on the ph beggars belief how much lemon you use. Any normal person would be thinking "this can't be right, my lips are going to shrivel up like a cats butt"

I'd suggest boiling for 40 mins to an hour & use 3 or 4 lemons, you'll want sugar to rectify that ph a bit so it doesn't upset y tummy. The way that tastes the best (& I think it's full decarb) is live yogurt, Greek yogurt, not pasturised. Mix 50/50 with milk. Leave it covered at room temperature. Stir every hour. If u do it at night it'd be ready for morning, add maple syrup or honey. Sounds awful but it's the 1 of the best ways I've found & no sour. It's a lactillibacti conversion. You can make A.M lactillibacti converted ginger beer too, its OK & milk kieffer works.

Id be guessing no. Its not his so he can't put in for a strike & it's public domain.

I'd send one last message saying "I wish I had time to reply to everyone. Truly, but I don't. Pin at the top a reply saying "that's why I have a patrion or a venmo link to "buy you a โ˜•๏ธ ". It kinda gets the word out without saying "give me money EVERYONE"

Then next time block him...or ignore him, positive or negative, the algorithm just cares about how much interaction your getting.

Haven't you seen the ticktock "hello my ND friends. Take a min to disassociate with me" it went viral, mainly because people were group disassociating kinda feels good...It'd a break from masking. Luck

OPs a keen perfectionist. When OP is older they'll figure out we only have so much time. Wasting it on procrastination is...wasteful (?)

5g, for tra no more than 5. I'd start with 2.5 & take 2.5g later dependent on hoe y feel.

We all have different doses. It's for you to A) figure it out yourself or B) find a good herbalist who'll figure it out for you & your needs

I'd worry more about how I'd put on the patent if I were OP.

A blueprint cab be easy or hard, I can make a blueprint of my living room with a ruler pen & paper or you can get an architect to do it.

You have to pick it up anyway ๐Ÿ˜† but yes holding it closed helps

He needs a dude behind him filming the people behind him ๐Ÿ˜†

I do...for 1 dose 7-10g & a BIG bag of ๐Ÿ‹ squeezed in. I just cover it & I stand there & watch it foe 20 mins. If I'm doing a 40min I put plenty of water over, keep checking & simmer it down when I feel it's done.

Oh & psa you can take the mushrooms could eat em but :/

It's not how many you want....or what you want (I'd have thought a baby) It's what you get. I got 1 & delighted to have the one. I thought I'd have an extra letter, not another child NONE.. Remember some of yall be in that position & not know it

If its an avatar or could be made into a character I'd maybe do a walk on. I'd definitely introduce it but all your doing is saying "yeh right place, don't touch that remote....I have a guillotine lol"

Well...this universe...we don't know what's in it. There could be life in here hidden somewhere. There's lots of places we don't know greys or frog people or carbon dioxide breathing mushrooms with more life goals.....but they'd be real. You wouldn't be using a brain transmitter that only you have. Look at a map of our solar system then zoom out.

An alternate reality is where you end up after you eat the space mushrooms lol not even joking. I think I've met Mkennas Dom, I've met mother Aminita. I've met the Warrior, The Teacher, The Mother. I learned how to grow em & it was my first time, I just had maybe a gram & everything went Willy Wonker 60s style ....y know, they dint mind scaring kids once they taken the ยฃ ๐Ÿ˜†

It can do...but do you have ADHD like me? With age I've found the H for hyperactivity is ironic. I have no energy but your brains can be hyperactive. I guess im moving from ADHD to ADD attention deficit disorder territory. BUT my hyper can come out. It feels like a rush & i can spin 5 plates & everything is great because lifes like a treadmill & im always slipping back & occasionally I get those hyper "DO IT!" Times...but then I think...yeh but I could be doing something that still needs doing but I'd prefer like the garden or there's times I decide...well this energy has come at night. I'd best do a craft project & leave it half done & definitely spill .....(i want to say pvc lol) spill glue, clean it up, but in the poor lighting, I make it worse. Then I'm shattered & I walk to bed with a piece of red tissue paper stuck to my foot.

Lol keep your gols simple & things go away they don't come out has to be a hard rule....& gardening in the nice weather beats most stuff. Cleaning 4 sure & it dies help depression, it'd slowly give you more energy if u did it regularly & potatoes, sweet potatoes, ginger, lots of herbs, chard & other self seeding veg it's as simple as dig a hole. Weed it occasionally & leave it

Yes it ALWAYS has. I guess with me, I think it's ugly and unimaginative. A gen X name. So I changed it. I haven't bothered with all the paperwork but if someone asks my name I give them the name I chose myself. Not my GIVEN name...

In the olden days they'd have 2 or 3 kids called the sane name ๐Ÿค” I'd hate that ๐Ÿ˜†

Honestly at maybe 18 we should have opportunity to change name.

Yeh that's fine. If JK can do it lol

In one way your getting the attention of the person first. If you say Harry, that's splendid. Your primarily getting Harry's attention. I could imagine that yelled at a quidich match or X ejaculated "Harry...

That's splendid; Harry. I'd say the splendid thing is an actual item Harry has made. That's how I'd use them but...Dr Seaus never intended for that pronunciation of his name...& he had a very unique way to use language. Its not wrong, its a style

You should be able to do that. It puts you in that 'im just about to have a brilliant idea, or revelation' or something it kinda depends, ive beenan Olympic cleaner. A very differentmode for me lol. It's not like weed or other drugs that do what you expect.

You mean The Hunger Games? It depends how it's written but yes I think it has worked.

So let's say your female & growing up you had to sleep at your grandparents...where your PDFfile uncle also lives & 40 yrs later you can hear him ignore his โฐ๏ธ because then I'd be told to go & wake him up. I grow up. He'd had 5 wife's b4 I was 8, he settled with a woman who had kids a little younger than me ๐Ÿ‘€. I wasn't needed. My mother had always kept semi contact with that side of the family. I always did my upmost to avoid them & made it very very clear I hated him...nobody wondered why. Nobody liked him tbh, I believed everyone just thought he was a natural born fool...but no.

My parents knew he was a PDFile. He was 13 yrs my mums senior I saw pics from the 60s he was & ugly & spotty & seriously obese. My mum was 12 & thought he was doing it because he couldn't get a gf. So that's a 25yr old man diddlin his 12 year old sister. Now she might have explained it to herself like that but when she got to be an adult she must have realised that's just messed up. I feel him being married 5x & him staying with number 6 who had two kids odd. Apparently she considered warning her (the new wife) but I guess like me they thought...well our daughter never told us anything so nothing could have happened.

Mum never told either of her parents, see didn't see the connection but I hope we've all learned the power of logic is one she doesn't possess. PS my mums the head of the looked after children in Sheffield. Appalling really.

Now I think in a court of law if I started doing castrations etc yes I'd go to jail....but in a book or a movie, if you've grown up dealing & that's just one thing. I don't think anyone could call me a villan. Lol more like cat woman handing out street justice

Yeh it's not for tripping...exactly. there's visuals & you might get the ...impression of messages from elsewhere. That's the wrong way to put it. Like I don't smoke or drink or anything ever since I started taking Aminita. First regularly. I'd have 7-10g of tea, you can always have more. Weight means little with this mushroom. There like jalapeรฑo most are fine in a salad but occasionally one that removes your skin from you're mouth. 1 mushroom could be up to 600x stronger than others in the same patch. The whole patch could be "hot". In my experience if you get 1 hot one it's normally a stronger batch. Bo idea why.

Raw I have a thumbnail sized piece...probably two, but not much. Raw's bot something to have much of

Visuals would be nothing you haven't seen like when you're in pitch dark your retina fire off red, blue, yellow. I found yellow most often. Sometimes speckles like if you're blood pressure goes wonky. Speed lines seem to be common & you might feel like your going really (REALLY) fast, like you jump time. I think that part of where flying deer & witches come from. Oh & finally the "trippy bit" often happens when you're asleep, either you have a really restful recharging sleep if you have a little less you're in the "Aminita dreams" spot, it's not easy to gauge but u get the trippyest dreams & they are trip - like. Very lucid

I don't find joints do anything but some people like it. Everyone seems to agree it's milder.