hey y'all, I have this idea where the "big payoff" is after a good number of stories and each story has its individual story it's following.

so for example, Character A is told "it's your destiny to kill the queen (sacrificing yourself in the process, its fine tho I promise)" and at first they follow this "destiny" before deciding it's dumb and finding their own destiny. there's like 4-5 "chosen ones" and only two actually do what they're told and the others all say "no, you're trying to manipulate me, I'm doing my own thing."

the grander theme I'm going for with the series is questioning authority, figuring out your own path, and not blinding sacrificing yourself for the benefit of others unless you REALLY want to. I actually would hope audiences were upset when characters did choose to sacrifice themselves to kill the queen.

also, I'm wanting a stand alone story for each "chosen one" character. Character A will show up in Character B's story, but it's distinctly not their story anymore. some of the characters chose a sort of more basic life at the end of it all (like Character A starts off really angry and unstable, but ends the story as a content farmer who wants to prevent more kids being sent to kill the queen)

I guess I'm essence my question is just, do you think audiences will enjoy each character's individual payoff, or will they just be mad that no one's killed the queen yet? (assuming I do it well if course)