
I wear this to the office everyday and keep my other G-Shocks for my down time. I rarely wear any of my other brand watches now

Wear it with pride! Lop off the sharp edges and stick with it

Thanks for the feedback. I've just agreed £100 with him...

G-Shock number 8 for the collection.


Old Pic, but this one today

I must have come close to 24 hours in elite dangerous. The grind is real

Yes, but there are places that are richer than others. Deciat system for instance. You'll see it's heavily populated with fleet carriers for that very reason

I'd say you should start with a focus on a particular aspect of the game. Unlocking the engineers for instance.

Maybe start with Felicity Farseer if you haven't already. Once you can engineer your FSD it opens the game up so much. An affordable Asp Explorer or DBX with a 55-70 ly jump range really changes the game

I stuck to ground base defense systems as the lack of swarms from the bigger thargoids made it much easier and VERY profitable.

It's very difficult to find bases still needing protection now though, so my credit-farming has drawn to a close.

Think it's time to start bio-scanning.

Thanks! I think I got this one from Amazon with a small discount... Think I paid £111

Me too, only thing it lacks that would be useful

Yeah I very much feel like I'm just getting started...

Buttons are great. Display is very clear, and configurable options are helpful