"I was watching it, I saw the whole thing! First it started to reduce and then it just kept going!"

I they always come up in my head as the predalien from Aliens Vs Predator 2 but with colouring more akin to a Warhammer 40k Tyranid, I very much doubt that's what Lindsay was imagining but that's where my brain took it

That's just what Seki considers to be his alarm clock to wake him up

We don't see Hatsumi in more fights because Sandro is doesn't want to admit he'd humble every other current fighter

Those are C or D's man the fuck

You want big tit fetish porn go watch it I fucking hate when people expect artists to specifically cater to their idea of what a character should be, you want an H cup heroine go write one no one owes you it

Something to bear in mind plumbers have huge cost of tools to get, HVAC less so

I became a commercial plumber in this city aged 28, just remember that money is good but get the pants with knee pad inserts and then buy the cheap foam knee pads from home dept, and get them in there and you'll be fine.

It's the knees everyone doesn't take seriously until they ready hurt and then it's too late

Lift with your legs and if you think earlier on about what kind of office position you want to get into and aim for it you'll be just fine in my opinion

Coming from seki yes because you could hit him with a wrecking ball and he'd get up in 2 minutes like "haha see a pro wrestler can't be killed so easily you'll be fine!"

Although Koga still woulda got demon wheeled into the afterlife by goah if ohma wasnt there, Goah was just gonna causally murder some teenager because get off my lawn

Kazzys ability to get promoted to my bosses bosses boss because I saw two guys fight in an alley

Sure seems weird to be proud of having less variety, you can still just not eat things you don't know ?

I've known some Boomers in my time who express nostalgia for their childhoods in this manner but it's always seemed like an odd way to do it to me, to see it as life was better because we didn't have all this damned variety for me to try!

Gaolang gonna get bare knuckle crushed, our undefeated king of the ring has never lost to a KAT fighter !

Not mad at Jon he's gonna do what's best for him, can't say I'd be doing different if I was him, but why the hell is Dana letting him dictate this?

He even stripped Conner eventually

Strip him for inactivity and promote Aspinall, Jon can still fight Stipe and retire, would still be a big money fight

Heavy weight and Welterweight are a complete joke with how long between title fights is allowed to happen

Leon wants to fight, Aspinall wants to fight, never are gonna anytime soon

I've always been fascinated with how so many men end up with this opinion, and I personally believe it's sheer lack of empathy and imagination due to lower brain capacity combined with desperation towards the opposite sex.

They value sex so highly that they've made it into the be all and end all of the human experience, and when they aren't getting it and value it so highly they genuinely seem to be unable to understand that women wouldn't enjoy it when it's forced because hey all sex is good right

Maybe I'm in the minority but I really liked the DS9 finale, wrapped up everything they were going for, didn't feel rushed like Voyagers or Enterprise,

Sure would have been cool to see Sisko vs Dukat as a Pah wraith vs Prophet battle but I'm honestly of the opinion that might have ended up just looking goofy, and I do love that it came down to the man vs the man in the end

But maybe that's just me

I mean it's no 'All good things' but what is really

That was kaburagi, which is his name, fodder dude was the karate guy he beat in one punch to get into the tournament

No that'd require someone to book a fight against him

I was a chef at a BBQ restaurant here years ago and all our knowledge/recipes/trips to discover how to nail BBQ were Texas based, I never worked with any pit masters that has an Albertan style at that time honestly, more of a transplant tradition

Makes me so sad for young men with this very clearly misdirected rage that they're gonna make a woman's problem.

If any of these guys were actually capable of introspection 95% of these guys would have normal relationships

And if we switch to 9th century blacksmithing and plumbing we can cripple everyone what the hell is the OPs point

Can't imagine having the time to be upset everything in media isn't porn o fied

Can't imagine feeling offended over people who aren't making porn for you either

This guy assumes that liberals hate entire ethnicities because they aren't communists because that's how HE thinks.

Shitty people always assume everyone else is shitty too and anyone who claims otherwise is lying. It's either that or they'd have to admit they are the shitty one.

The day I read him losing is the day I swear off this manga, I barely survived past when Moikichi for some reason let Raian fight Ohma, even though he won easily with that combo into the throw

Sorry I'm a drywaller you'll have to read this out loud to me, slowly please

I'm not going anywhere, my arse hurts from sitting down for 8 hours and I wanna stand up