Titanium Black

Came from iPhone 13 pro to s24 ultra.

The screen size was big for a few days but you get used to it really fast, i also have big hands. Feels big in some pockets (like a suit) but don't think it's big enough to fall out. The spen is great when you need to write down a note that uses weird symbols, and also a shutter button for the camera. I have no idea what Dex is.

Second batch Battery lasts full day even when playing games like genshin. Family all used my phone to take photos over their 14 and 15 pros. Spen is one of those things that is super useful when it's needed, but you don't even notice it when not using.

I hope his parents see this

Titanium Black

I literally have not noticed it, and I use dark mode and low brightness all the time

Titanium Black

You guys bullied him into deleting his account

No, I'm trying i break out of the gacha lifestyle, I am in crippling debt and cannot afford another

Use this zero commute time as an opportunity to do things you don't normally have time for

The newest samsung S series you can find in your price. Pixel 6 was kinda a let down for me and I've heard the 7 wasn't that much better

The sensor on the pixel 6 was the whole reason I left google. The tiniest ray of sunlight on the screen rendered it useless. Samsung inscreen reader is much better imo

Laptop, psych probably has lots of essays, iPad is really convenient but it can't replace a laptop yet imo

Galaxy S24 Ultra

I usually upgrade every 2 years, but probably gonna use this one for longer. (Unless there's a crazy trade in bonus)

If u don't care about official or not, Etsy has stuff for all groups

Titanium Black

Turn off ram plus. The battery might also be wonky for a few days cause it learns ur usage patters. So if it drains fast just know it gets better. Have fun

Galaxy S24 Ultra

Apks, I also like the UI more. It offers more customization.

Titanium Black

Black >>>>>

Titanium Black

I know everyone is saying the same thing but it's true. The phone needs to learn your usage. I got 8hrs screen on time yesterday and played genshin on it for like 2 hours. That is unheard of on my previous phone (13pro)

yes. like 2 semesters in a row i had 10 mins to get from eng to cragie hall, and made it on time. I think the "it takes 15 min to get across campus" is a bit of an exaggeration, just speed walk a little, but watch out of ice during winter

honestly half the 4 stars at this point. somtiems i forget hook and serval are even in my account

are samsung tablets comparable to ipads? like in terms of writing on them for school notes and stuff?

s23. its newer, and i think would last longer. also will get galaxy ai. if its not the 13 pro i dont even think it has 120hz refresh rate.