iPhone user since past 8 years. Upgrading my phone now. Confused between 15pro's battery life and S24 Ultra's - size.

I feel my current 11pro is perfect size, and does most of my work except it's running out of storage now.

To the S24U users: 1. how do you feel about the size when you purchased it vs now? Have you got used to it yet? Does it hurt to use single handedly, chatting/surfing? Do the pockets feel saggy?

  1. is the spen really worthy? Do you use it for scribbling, or you still type your notes (eg-groceries shopping)?

  2. Do you ever use dex?

If anyone has tried both: 1. does ip15pro really has smoother animations and less laggy (jittery) when opening and closing apps?

  1. Does the battery last one full day?

  2. Do you feel what apple provides, they do it with perfection - like cameras?

  3. Do you ever feel you had an sPen?

Seems like a long list of questions, but might sum up the answers for all others who are in a dilemma too.