
Sure! I still need to buy a trellis but it’s not trying to climb too much yet lol

I just bought a small one last weekend! I can’t wait for it to grow. Your’s is so pretty! 😍

Oh, it’s lovely! I keep seeing bear paws over the past few days. I think it’s a sign that I definitely need one 😅

One of my three cats LOVES chewing on a spider plant, the other two couldn’t care less about the plants (thankfully lol)

We have three children, three cats, two dogs, and quite a few plants. We’re definitely crazy. Every day is an adventure of some kind. 😂


I’m still pretty new to plant parenthood but my caladium and my polka dot plant since they’re right beside each other! ❤️

When I was pregnant with my first child, I took out my belly button piercing. It healed up fine and I got it pierced again after my first was born. When I was pregnant with my second, I didn’t want to have to get it pierced again so I used this. DON’T USE IT. The skin between where I was pierced stretched so much to accommodate it and, after I had my second, the place where the flexible piercing was is all bunched up because of the extra skin. Needless to say but I don’t have a belly button piercing anymore bc it just looks weird. Don’t be like me lol

It was so fun! It was the only time I could get my fiancé to play Animal Crossing with me, he lost interest after Covid 😂 (not enough action lol)

Right?! It’s so awesome that we get to do this.

Thank you so much! If you ever have a chance to play, you definitely should! It’s such a chill fun game 😊

Thank you so much! But same here, it gave me and my fiancé something fun to do together while my kids were wreaking havoc around our house during Covid. 😂

Yes! I’m 30 and have a Hamtaro tattoo (I plan to add more anime tattoos on that arm eventually) and a Nintendo themed sleeve on my other arm that is in progress! As long as you love it that’s what matters.

I used to use it until I started going to a different tattoo artist who recommended Griffin Salve. She gave me a small container of it to try it out to see if I’d like it and it works wonders. When I run out I plan on buying more but it’s what I’ve been using on my half sleeve.

But Aquaphor gets the job done, so whatever floats your boat. 👍🏻

When I was 19 I got a large tattoo on my side that I kept covered for months. I finally decided to wear a two piece bathing suit and my mom saw the tattoo. I was super casual about it. She wasn’t happy but there wasn’t anything she could do lol. I explained that I had been saving small bits of money for awhile so that I could finally get it.

Now I’m 30, and she does her best to pretend my half sleeve doesn’t exist 🤣

I got a large phoenix on my side when I turned 18 and I don’t regret it. It’s not my favorite tattoo because it doesn’t really mesh with the style of tattoos that I found fit me best (I’m 30 now). It just shows me how much I’ve changed and I’m grateful it’s not completely awful 😂

Thank you!! I’ve treated it so poorly in the past so I’m pleasantly surprised it’s held up as well as it has!

You seem really busy with all these comments but I’m here for it if you have a chance! ☺️

I LOVE using coconut oil. When I told my artist last time I saw her thats what I typically use she did a little happy dance. 😂 It’s done the best for healing my tattoos than anything else I’ve used for sure.

I’m the only person in my family with tattoos. I got my first one at 18 and I’m 29 now with many more. If your mom is anything like mine, she’ll be irritated for awhile and may roll her eyes whenever she sees a new one but she’ll stop saying something after awhile. My mom just pretends they’re not there at this point. She knows I’ll get them if I want them and her complaining doesn’t stop me.