I just wanna heal my units ;_; Thats why i play death and OBR was the healing faction with less ress ;_;

Believe! But ppl have said that everything seems for expensive this edition ;_;

Thats how it was before too. Its even explained in the errata because so many misunderstood it xd

Losing the ethereal artifact in not unexpected xd But it is sad

I love that the dude answering is named Nagash. Oh my mortis engines have begun casting spells :D

Less killy then you see bloodthirsters, the red dragon SCE has and spirit of durthu....

Maaaaaaan i dont understand how they balance vampires. I understand some vampires are weak. But some have insane feats of speed/strength. And where is my elite vampire infantry unit of 10.

If kata cost 400 now its a buff otherwise im a bit sad.

Edit: Nvm where is my healing ;_; thats why i play death

I wish it was still +3 and now its only for casting not for unbinding.

Dude how are u supposed to take down a bloodthirster or any monster like spirit of durthu from yesterday. Their dmg is just too damn high. First i was happy they took away save stacking, now im not so sure anymore...

He gets the keyword which is a buff but not much otherwise. But who knows i think Nagash will be better than before.

Ye its really nice that it doesnt depend on a roll but 1 command in 4 edition is costly .P

Still no smite priest..... I have hyped smite priest since SoD was announced. Im so hella sad

Sure i can be wrong as i dont know them. It was more like half a question to understand. Im not comparing them to how they are right now im comparing them to the other faction focuses and they seem to be as op as any faction would be right now while other faction focus arent