Can a new candidate even get on the ballot in many states legally?

Can they even get a new candidate legally on all state ballots?

Are there any states another candidate won’t be able to get on the general election ballot?

Worse than NC? Wow that’s bad North Carolina has significant lines due to low pay of workers and it tends to be disorganized

I was at the 2022 Philly rally with Biden Obama fetterman etc.

Biden stumbled a couple times but was nowhere near as bad as the debate. I’m assuming within two weeks we hear definitively if he’ll be stepping down.

Whatever you do don’t pour it out on grass it will kill it

Call a local domestic abuse hotline then delete the call record. They can help with safety planning, exit plans, resources you can use, shelters, protective orders, etc

Tech sales these numbers aren’t uncommon for enterprise customers with 7-8 figure deals.

My opinion is that unless you can get through college for the most part without loans virtually no major at JMU is worth $120k+.

CIS does very well in terms of salary and demand. I’d say with inflation after 2-3 years professional experience $100k+ salaries are somewhat common.

So you’d probably be able to pay off the loans. But I’d recommend looking more in the home state. Maryland schools are right near dc and gets a lot of recruiters as well.

A few off the top of my head, they may or may not come to pass but I’d be very careful doing any automation/botting on something like a healthcare site vs using proper rest endpoints.

  • If they’re using something like AWS WAF they might pick that kind of behavior up as a bot/attack and potentially IP blacklist you or restrict your account. Things like programmatically completing MFA, mass upload, etc. could get picked up.

  • You might be violating terms of service of their site. I would not advise risking that unless you know 100% what you’re doing is covered by the TOS. Again, I’d assume healthcare sites follow pretty strict protocol. I have no idea how that could bite back but I wouldn’t recommend risking getting banned from a provider site.

  • As for legal risk if it gets flagged as an attack it could be a problem. Especially since this is a healthcare company. I have no idea if they’d actually have any legal response to I.

In general using tools like Selenium or anything automation against a live website that’s public facing I don’t recommend unless you specifically talk to the company first.

It might be possible but you also have to consider that they may pick it up as an attack or view you as a bot. In general trying to run automation against public facing UI’s meant for humans poses risk.

I would suggest like another commenter states to see if they have REST endpoints to programmatically upload.

JavaScript based graphs/charts should probably fit the need.

Unix based system more closely resembling Linux. Can’t deploy iOS apps without a mac. Some UI tools don’t support windows. Many developers prefer macOS over windows

Jmu OOS tuition is $30k, Rutgers isn’t anywhere near that.

Jersey kids usually want out of jersey and have the money to do it

Yeah for community college you’re better off just looking up degree requirements and what the 4 year school you transfer to would need for the major.

I went to Reynolds years ago and the advisors were generally not helpful. You can sign up and plan classes without them

Also contractually obligated with the camp David accords along with sending aid to Egypt

I always do an appointment or go to one farther away DMV/go early morning. The offices are severely understaffed and underpaid

A huge chunk of grads work for DoD, NSA, CIA, etc or contractors working with those organizations.

The CEO of Northrup Grumman went to JMU. It’s a college two hours away from DC. People aren’t going to severely restrict their job prospects because every single military related job is somehow evil.

OP may as well call themselves a genocider if they voted for Joe Biden. Or bought a toy off Amazon as AWS has huge contracts with Israel and a data center there.