It’s because we gotta cater to Lebron

Nah it wasn’t. Pretty much just a regular Wednesday game for us. Clippers on the other hand, I swear Ballmer pays out bonuses for beating us. Never seen clippers ball out so hard unless they going against the Lakers

Hachimura, Vanderbilt and Vincent were out for us. You guys own the Lakers, can’t see why you can’t admit we played the better game this one time

When I was bartending, used to make Micheladas with Bloody Mary mix for a regular cuz she was allergic to shellfish

That’s true. There’s so many negative stereotypes especially in media

I have no hate against Jewish persons. My friend is a practicing Jew that wears a kippah. Don’t know if I spelled that right. For some reason I don’t know, he has a reputation of being very cheap and tight with his money amongst our friends but feel that it’s unfairly put upon him. I think it stemmed from the time when I had a birthday party at the same time as my house warming. Everyone brought over food and drinks and he was the only one that didn’t. He took most of the leftovers and few bottles of wine. I also paid an Uber for him since he asked me to. Everyone started to call him cheap but I defended him saying that he wanted to be responsible and not drink and drive. My other friend got mad as well because he took an unopened bottle of Opus that was given for my birthday. I said let it be. Possessions come and go but friendships last forever

That’s true! Good people but they took all money from a lawsuit ten years ago

Ahhh that makes sense now on why many of them are greedy. Thanks for the info

Ahhh that makes sense now on why many of them are greedy

Although he got us a championship. In my eyes, I don’t consider Lebron to be a Laker. Kobe gave us his prime years and stayed with the team through ups and downs. Kobe didn’t jump ship and chase rings like Lebron did.